
Active Member
Yes, I know it's green :D

I assumed it was NATO green, but I believe there's a similar colour called olive drab? Looking to order some paint and knowing my luck I'll order the wrong stuff!

Many thanks in advance! Ste.
Dunno, but it looks cool .. ;)

Buy a small pot of each to try ... don't forget, it might not actually be a Landrover or 'proper' MOD/Nato spec colour. It could also be very faded, or gone matt in the sun.
Thanks for the fast reply!

Yeah I realise that, I just want to get as close to it as I can really as I like it how it is, just needs some battle scars tidying up :D

Cheers, Ste.
Why not just buy a tin of what ever colour you like and paint the whole motor? If your going to use a brush which I assume you are it won't take long and will smarten it up no end.
There are too many variations of "military" greens to give a true answer.

Look at this, and all of the shades you can get too!

#6b8e23 Color Hex Olive Drab

Mine came from an acrylic based "drab olive green"

Quick search turned up this lot: Military Vehicle Paint - Home Page

..and look at all the matt greens that they can supply

There must be a local car paint shop close to you, pop in and ask them
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