
Hi all

I put a post up this morning re defender 200tdi not charging!

That was the symptom as the lights were dimming, however when I got to it this evening I bounced it off started ok and drove it home, around 15 miles.
When we got home it had obviously charged as lights were fine etc.

Tried to start it and all fine, stopped and started around 10 times, all ok!

Took it out for a spin and when we got back it wouldn't start again :eek:

Battery has loads of charge.
If I have the lights on and try to start it the lights dim, so it's putting power to the starter motor I guess?

I'm thinking I will try to get a new starter and try that, am I clutching at straws?

Any ideas, desperate!
Yes clutching at straws, first Check your wiring connections battery, starter, alternator and also the earths from the battery to the chassis and to the engine. Look for loos or corroded connections.

Then you need to find out if your alternator is charging, could also be a loose fan belt.
Checked battery connections, also connections to starter, all look ok

The odd thing is how the lights were dim this morning and now ok

Also how it can be so intermittent.

Will get under and check earths and things.

One thing, there is no clicking from the starter, whenever I have had one fail before you can here it clicking
I had a problem with my starter solenoid. It would seem as if the battery was flat - it would not click but sound really tired when starting. Then other times it would start no problem. When I checked out the battery it was fine. Turned out there was an intermittent dead short with the solenoid. A problem like that can kill your battery permanently.
when you say check, did you just look at em, and go, yeah they're ok, if so, go back, take em off, clean em up, and put em back, earths especially can look fine, but be not.
Good point, it was more than just a look, more of a 'waggle', will get onto it soon.

Just something to consider, could it be that the alternator is putting out a 'small' charge? I.e. enough to charge battery on my 15 mile run home with no lights on and then when I took it out for a spin with full beam, heater and radio, it maybe lost charge and hence wouldn't start?

Any thoughts?

Got battery on fast charge now.
Someone put a 'tester' on the battery just after I jump started it yesterday, and with engine running it was showing 12.8, I have no idea if this is ok, anybody else know?
you need more than just one measurement.
12.8 is a full battery, charging it should be 13.8-14.4V you might have to rev it a touch (not much, but off idle)
measure at rest (before you start it)
whislt cranking
when started (and should be charging)

Id expect a good battery to be 12.6-12.8 at rest dropping to 9Vish during cranking then 14.4 when it starts charging, to rest about 13.8V once the battery it topped up again.
When we revved the engine it went up to 13.2 just for a second and then dropped back to 12.8 ish, regardless of how many revs.

Doesn't sound right?
Nope doesn't sound right.

Your measuring it at the battery, so you can rule out any wiring between it and the alternator as it did rise to over 13v at one point.

Are you sure the alternator belt isn't slipping? Failing that the problem lies with the alternator. You may get away with new brush's/reg pack on it though.
Got hold of a new alternator and fitted it.

Charged battery up and off she goes, will have to wait and see if thinks are ok I guess.

But for now I cross my fingers!

Thanks for all your help guys, I needed it

Worn alternators can be a bit intermittent, as said blip revs and should be kicking over 14V after starting, dropping down after a while.
Turn on headlights, indicators and wipers and measure at battery, it should still be at least 13.5V under this load. Also as said check belt tension.

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