He "IS" talkin about greenjeepster !:rolleyes:

So "Cockheads" a pretty fair description in my book;)
I love the words of endearment, shows me that you have missed me....

Hey RST....is the name Christopher or Christina? You sound like a Chistina to me! better get used to "cockheads", we are in good company on here:D
Yeah, t'was me that gave her something to be ashamed of............well, germs at least.

Re: the fleabay bits. What is yer problem RST? You've been here a week, you've already listed the items, without a reserve & received bids so what does it matter? You should have done your research first if you were that concerned. I looked at your post a while back to see if I could offer any opinion, but it seemed a bit pointless.

Plus it does get pretty annoying when people join for seemingly no other reason than to ask questions because they can't be arsed to do any research themselves.

Seems you're getting a fair price for the door & listing the wheels & tyres as huge is a bit boastful as 235/85's are pretty standard fayre on most Landies used for anything more than the school run.

Take a chill pill, wind yer neck in, put yer toys back in yer pram & have a larf on here FFS!
Yeah, t'was me that gave her something to be ashamed of............well, germs at least.
Take a chill pill, wind yer neck in, put yer toys back in yer pram & have a larf on here FFS!

Yeah! And Marcus might share his 'germs' wiff you to. If yer as lucky as me...;) We're a generous bunch here on LZ..:)
What I want to know is... Marcus, Hybrid, MHM and me were all in the same place but only Marcus and Hyrbid have come down with the dreaded lurgy... come on you two - 'fess up to what you wuz up to, it's only fair on MHM after all!
The only way yer gonna make money out of yer body Daft is flog it by the pound.

IS it HB's baby yer carrying?
i love the fact that daft insults the bloke and then has the cheek to have a pop at me fer the way i talk to newbies ;)
Oh I dunno, I wuz quite impressed by his angry response..........s'amazing the effect having a rufty tufty truck can have on a bloke.

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