Forgot. Never seen the rubber inserts before, although I have looked at many springs.
So can't really comment on those.

I'm not into caravanning, so had never heard of these:

Caravan Spring Assisters | Suspension Modifications (

I'm wondering if these would be useful to convert a lighter rate spring into a more progressive option... thinking of using these old Disco springs on the rear of my 90, 10lbs/inch lighter... 16 inch is a bit taller to account for the Disco's body weight, so I may end up with a mini lift/nose down...something to think about on a dark winters eve...:rolleyes:
I'm not into caravanning, so had never heard of these:

Caravan Spring Assisters | Suspension Modifications (

I'm wondering if these would be useful to convert a lighter rate spring into a more progressive option... thinking of using these old Disco springs on the rear of my 90, 10lbs/inch lighter... 16 inch is a bit taller to account for the Disco's body weight, so I may end up with a mini lift/nose down...something to think about on a dark winters eve...:rolleyes:
I had never heard of them either. But it does look like what you have pictured.

I have towed plenty of 3.5 tonne trailers, maybe sometimes a bit over as well. And my springs never have bottomed out or sustained damage, so not sure how useful they are actually going to be. But maybe that is just me.

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