
Well-Known Member
In the process of cleaning up my 110 and there is an unbelievable amount of **** everywhere - probably hasn't been cleaned since 1997.

Anyway, what are these cables for? I have labelled them for easy identification. A is for the EGR so I'll keep that, B also looks important. The others are what I think remnants of radio equipment, sirens, lights from when it was a police car. Can I get rid of C-F ? They've been cut anyway so I presume so.

Cubby box went straight into the bin. Seats will follow as soon as I get some replacements.

Did some detective work (taxi business card) and looks like it was used by the Zagreb police force... dirty gits!


Electrics copy.jpg
Literally no one is going to know the answer to that lot, only you can strip and trace the wiring.

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