
Well-Known Member
As the title suggests any one have an ideas on what the specifics could be?

Obviously its dependent on whether we do actually end up disengaging with the 4 freedoms of the EU, in particular freedom of movement.

If so how does that effect things like the need for a carnet? Validity of UK driving licence? Border crossing refusals? Insurance?

Maybe I'm just over thinking this

We will not be made prisoners in our own country.... ;-)
In fact, I think it will make it easier to travel to EU and non-EU states (which we will then be). UK insurance suppliers at present loath to use the green card scheme, that will have to change unless they have a better idea.
Having a pocket full of sterling or euros and wanting to enter a country to spend it during a trip has never stopped me entering a country, providing the paperwork has been correct.
The only border to worry about will be your port of entry (Calais, Rotterdam etc.) once you have entered the EU via France, Belgium, Spain etc. then the Schengen zone will apply just as it does now. Obviously if you leave the Schengen Countries then things will be exactly as they are now so long as the UK's relationship with whichever country stays the same ie. if we impose visas or other restrictions on an EU but non Schengen country they are likely to do the same to us, that's at least two years away as article 50 has not been triggered yet.
Insurance could be a different matter, insurance companies will use any excuse to increase prices so that will depend how well the UK government replaces the current EU legislation controlling insurance companies.
Whatever happens it will still be easier to cross Europe than pre Schengen.
All depends on the Breit deal that is negotiated. EU seem firm on keeping free movement of people.
All depends on the Breit deal that is negotiated. EU seem firm on keeping free movement of people.

They have no say in the matter, if we are out we choose who we let in simple as that. They sell us a lot more than we sell them. Do you seriously think BMW, VW and French car makers will want a trade block or tariff hike.
They have no say in the matter, if we are out we choose who we let in simple as that. They sell us a lot more than we sell them. Do you seriously think BMW, VW and French car makers will want a trade block or tariff hike.
I think there is a bit more to it than that. I agree with you Germany and France will suffer. The French are having difficulties selling there cars to the French these days as they are so unreliable.
But what happens to the likes of the Polish people working in the UK etc. I personally would like to see free movement but with limitations on work and benefits. Back in the 60's and 70's immigrants had to have a work permit to work which they could only apply for outside of the country. If an immigrants comes to the UK any benefits should be paid by there country of origin. Not by the British tax payer. No job, no entry unless on a holiday visa. And no Benefits or NHS treatment.. This would be my basic idea but needs a lot more work on it.
They have no say in the matter.......

The truth is they probably have more say than we do.

We voted out of the EU.

A bunch of deceiving, self interested, professional liars will sit down and work out what that actually means in the real world.

They'll likely spend as much energy working out who to encourage us to blame when things don't turn out how we imagined.
That's interesting so once you enter one of the Schengen countries and got that process done you can then travel through the rest reasonably easily? One entry point to Europe and plain sailing after that?

Fair point about article 50 not having been triggered yet.
As the title suggests any one have an ideas on what the specifics could be?

Obviously its dependent on whether we do actually end up disengaging with the 4 freedoms of the EU, in particular freedom of movement.

If so how does that effect things like the need for a carnet? Validity of UK driving licence? Border crossing refusals? Insurance?

Maybe I'm just over thinking this

I doubt if any of significance will change.
I used to drive through europe before the EUSSR got dreamed up as did my parents before the common market.
Had no issues back then.
I agree I don't think there will be any major issues when you are in, the main things that may change after brexit are healthcare & insurance. Plus all the UK nobs with EU flags on their cars will have to take them off.
As the title suggests any one have an ideas on what the specifics could be?

Obviously its dependent on whether we do actually end up disengaging with the 4 freedoms of the EU, in particular freedom of movement.

If so how does that effect things like the need for a carnet? Validity of UK driving licence? Border crossing refusals? Insurance?

Maybe I'm just over thinking this


No, no one knows the fine detail until it is all thrashed out.

Not sure if freedom of movement is to do with tourism, more about where people can live and work, as several have pointed out, there was business and leisure travel for centuries before free movement.

As has also been said, people and businesses all across UK and Europe still want to earn, so common sense suggest to me that things will be arranged in a way that doesn't inconvenience the leisure traveller too much.

Don't think you need to worry, just see how it pans out.

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