Ah thought he was on aboot mazda rotax engines till he mentioned bolting wheels to em.
I have had three Freelanders and apart from two very very minor problems, i have had nothing go wrong with them.

Cannot believe that Redhead said he would rather have a Frontera than a Freelander, there is simply no comparason! Freelanders are twice the car a ****ty old fashioned Vauxhall is.

Have a word with yourself Redhead!
look pikey ,its clear that all these stories of vcu's failing , hg's blowing faster than an MP at election time,chassis cracking and all the other recurring problems have bin planted by vauxhall salesmen in an attempt to woe the gaylanders over to the dark side
look pikey ,its clear that all these stories of vcu's failing , hg's blowing faster than an MP at election time,chassis cracking and all the other recurring problems have bin planted by vauxhall salesmen in an attempt to woe the gaylanders over to the dark side

Worked fer me.
Having had 2 Gaylanders for a total of 5 years and 80,000 miles, I feel qualified to comment.

THEY'RE ****!
f**k me. bin on me olidays for 2 weeks in france, come back and you lot are still slagging each others rides off. What happened to the truce that ming proposed ?
f**k me. bin on me olidays for 2 weeks in france, come back and you lot are still slagging each others rides off. What happened to the truce that ming proposed ?

It's not slagging off. It's "constructive criticism" we're trying ta save em from theirselves. But the selfish buggars don't seem to appreciate all we're doing fer em.
f**k me. bin on me olidays for 2 weeks in france, come back and you lot are still slagging each others rides off. What happened to the truce that ming proposed ?
ffs you come ovva to france and you dint bring me any bacon or fray bentos pies!!
it's been a holiday of denial. 1st me doris says I couldn't take me freelander to france (only two seats, where would the kids go?)(don't give a f**k says I, they can go in the car with you, followed by THE LOOK), roughly translated two weeks of joy in the zafira (alright I suppose, does the job, but no fun)

Then when we're coming back through the tunnel tonight, warnings everywher that no meat or dairy products are allowed into europe (ergo france) from the UK. Bastards. It was nearly enough to make me come home, git me freelander, fill the boot with tripe and offal and f**king well drive back.

Cudn't be arsed though. Coming back next year, but it has already been made abundantly clear we will all be travelling together as a
"F A M B E R L E Y". She did hint she might consider replacing the zafira with a landy of some sort though. Think she just does it to keep me hanging on !

Maybe I could send some through the post ? If I put it in an envelope with some of the smelly cheese we brought back, no-one will know what the f**k is in it?
I didn't mean to start ww3 but I must say this has been a real eye opener, ive definitely gleaned shed loads of info to pass on. Thanks very much to everyone who has contributed.

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