where's the skill?
point and plant the throttle, hope it goes where you want it?
tbh was waiting for a roll or breakage long before it actually happened.

be crap on an rtv or ccv driven like that!
(or even a comp safari lookin at how it bounces all over)
looks like a very expensive tyre shredder to me. i suppose those guys who are into challenge trucks might find it appealing. just not for me im afraid.
Its typical american design...

'we need to get up this slightly bumpy hill, shall we go slow and approach in a well thought out manner?'

'Nah, **** it, big power and floor it!'
Wouldn't like to take it on any Derbyshire lanes, it wouldn't get round half of 'em without making 23 point turns every time!
I know I fairly new to 4x4 but I don't think he's going for the 'Tread lightly' school of thought...

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