This follows on from watching a bespeckled guy called Tom trashing a Disco for fun......needs a kicking!!! Mate thinks I'm on steriods. Lol
i know, lets drag a vehicle on its side at a right angle rather than dead straight and wonder why the #### it just goes along behind me instead of uprighting itself magically - its un-real how dumb some people are!

Any reason why he put it in reverse to roll back down the hill?

I may be all sorts of mis-informed but I was told to leave it in a low gear so you can use the biting point of the clutch to slow the backwards decent without locking the wheels up...
That was funny, defo in Yorkshire, you can tell. There's always someone fat n bald that knows everything and 500 kids around to watch them fail miserably lol:pound:
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Something at the bottom to make it tip back upright may have been a thought too far, as well as pulling it in the right direction.

Still, the darlings do seem to be enjoying themselves.
seen it all now, "cudn't organise a **** up in a Brewery" comes to mind!
defiantly need a Yorkshire tea now!!! lets drag it back onto it's wheels at 45 degrees!!! oh yeh!!! enough of em to physically lift it back onto it's wheels, lol
Spoken to frank a few times ok bunch of lads. Tom was at tong last and obeys the rules very well. Believe they all work for a crust aswell. The disco in question blue one was a total loss underneath, just abit of fun before it when to the scrap yard there money let them do it i say. The flappits is a working sand quary i believe with a understanding between owner and user i think. As for the disco roll over well yeah that was a silly way to do it i will agree. I'll await the name calling no doubt, but all i'm saying is if there not hurting you guys then why harp on about it.
No name calling. It is just the wanton destruction that I personally find offensive. Still, it could be the MOD with their huge pile of scrap landies. That really is criminal.

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