
Active Member
With it been nice today I said I will do a simply service which included dropping the oil, new oil filter and fuel and air filters

How wrong i was !!!! Dropped the oil let it drain, while it drained changed the fuel filter draining finished so oil filter to be removed !!!!!!

But it was stuck on tight f***ed up my oil filter spanner tried to perice it with a screw driver but was to hard to get it in so had to remove the thing that the oil filter attaches to think it is called the oil filter head ?????

Any ways removed it off the engine so I had the filter in my hand and the head ..... So no with more access to it screw driver through it but snapped two off them !!! At this point I was A bit ****ed off lol as it was suppose to be quick and easy !!! WRONG !!!

So dad came and managed to get it off by two stilsons ! Yes but now can't but it together as it's to dark !!!

So I now need some stronger screw drivers and a new spanner lol

Really winds me up the way some people seem to think that the oil filter needs to be cranked on as tight as a tight thing on a tight day!! Always seems to happen when servicing a vehicle for the 1st time after buying it!
I've been having the same problem with my fuel filter, had a filter removal tool round it (the chain) still no joy, its just slipping. Anybody got any ideas? Cheers
I've been having the same problem with my fuel filter, had a filter removal tool round it (the chain) still no joy, its just slipping. Anybody got any ideas? Cheers

I had same issue with chain thing. Rammed screwdriver through and it worked a treat.
similar problem when I changed the oil filter on my 110, ended up shoving a screwdriver through it and turning as far as i could then made another hole with the screwdriver and did the same again.

took a good few goes but cam off eventually :)
I've got a short crowbar which I hammer through the casing if the wrench keeps slipping. Not on me series, but I've had problems with other engines - even ones I've done up finger tight (plus a bit).
after snapping a standard size screwdriver...:eek: i stuck a great big one through and that did the trick:D thanks for all the advice
i usualy change the cam belt when doing a service so i can user the old belt with a pair of mole grips to remove the oil filter works a treat

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