New Member
I’m having quite a large issue with a d2 that I recently bought. The issue is 90% of the time it will turn over and sit and idle but chuck out A LOT of white smoke. you can drive it but after a few metres if you don’t give it enough of a run up it will cut straight out. It also manages to chuck out an unbelievable amount of oil. It also requires a bump start quite a bit. My best guess is that there’s an issue with the injector looms or something around that area, I thought of the head gasket mainly because of the white smoke but it doesn’t quite line up (my previous d2 blew its head gasket and it was nothing like this). I know my best bet is going to be replace the engine but I’m also quite curious if anyone knows what it could be? I’d love to be able to fix it but I think it’s too far gone from that. Any ideas of the problem and any suggestions would be great.
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