Believe me I don't. There was a series 3 109 on eBay the other day and I had to sit on my hands and not bid. I've got jobs to do at home before I buy anything else and it'll certainly be closer to home than Essex unless it's proper cheap.
I believe everyone on the internet mate, and I always trust my local used carsalesman :confused:
Im not hurt in any way, I had around £500 in my head. I will be wanting to add difflock to this one at some point but jamesmartin’s reply to my other thread made me realise I’m well out of my depth there! I’ll list it with a £400 reserve and see what happens, any less than than and I may was well at least take the good bits off. Could break it but it would be handy to have the drive space back. I’d like a nanocom for the TD5 so if I get enough money to buy one of those I’ll be happy.

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