i'll be setting off after picking the nipper up from school, so ill either catch up with ya'll somewhere ont' m1, or at the shindig site.
happy travelling :D
1, Mr cool..
2. Suew
3. Rachel and BH
4. B20wnx (Steve and Sue)
5. Peter

I still gotta figure out how/where to attach this flag to my car :D
Convoy list
1, Mr cool..
2. Suew
3. Rachel and BH
4. B20wnx (Steve and Sue)
5. Peter
6. Lcbandit (mandy)

N I've to try n attach a flag too, i've only gone for a little one though, had visions of a 5x3 flag naffing of on the motorway n causing n accident!!
Convoy list
1, Mr cool..
2. Suew
3. Rachel and BH
4. B20wnx (Steve and Sue)
5. Peter
6. Lcbandit (mandy)

N I've to try n attach a flag too, i've only gone for a little one though, had visions of a 5x3 flag naffing of on the motorway n causing n accident!!

And nothing to do with the look on peoples face's as they drive past..:screaming_bug_eye_f:jaw:..
I got mr cool and Mandy (LCBandit) phone numbers, if anyone wants mine send me a pm...
Got most of my stuff done today so now just lots of little stuff to do......

6 of us so far, with few to join on route, think that makes at least 5 more than any other area........