
New Member
Holidaying in Pembroke this summer and looking for recommendations for garages around St Davids, Permbroke, Haverford West. Ideally not a main dealer - but someone who care about Landys.

Thanks in advance
There's no one I know well enough in the areas asked for to recommend. One in Fishguard I would recommend and one near Star (crymych area) who is also such an enthusiast that he is a forum member etc

Anything in particular you want doing while here??
You sound as though you're planning to break down there!

My parents use a little indy just outside Carew. Never used them myself though. He seems to look after their Defender and Disco ok.

I'll try and get the details if you're still interested.
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Hope that nothing needs doing - just making sure that if something goes wrong then there is somewhere to get it fixed.

Thanks for the reply - if you have any details let me know and I will keep them in the cubby box.


There's no one I know well enough in the areas asked for to recommend. One in Fishguard I would recommend and one near Star (crymych area) who is also such an enthusiast that he is a forum member etc

Anything in particular you want doing while here??
Not planning on breaking down - but then so many of our breakdowns are un

Probably being a little too cautious - but it is a long drive from Hastings - so if you have some details please do let me know and I will keep them in the cubby box ....just in case


You sound as though you're planning to break down there!

My parents use a little indy just outside Carew. Never used them myself though. He seems to look after their Defender and Disco ok.

I'll try and get the details if you're still interested.
Copied from Film International - because it seemed to fit so well.


THUNDERBIRD 5 is a call centre.

Calling International Rescue will put you in a call queue in orbit around the Earth with automated multiple menus.

Press 1 if you are an existing customer.

Press 2 if you wish to open a Rescue Account.

Press 3 to make a payment.

Press 4 if there is a problem with your rescue package.

Press 5 if your crisis involves multiple clients.

Thank You. Continue to use your key pad. Now listen carefully. This is what we want you to do:

Press 1 if your disaster is in the western hemisphere.

Press 2 if your disaster is in the eastern hemisphere.

Press 3 if you are marooned in outer space.

Press 4 if you are trapped underwater.

Press 5 if you are on fire.

Press Star Zero to hear an explanation of SUPERMARIONATION.

Thank You. An operator will be with you shortly.

5 — 4 — 3— 2— 1!

Cue THUNDERBIRDS theme muzak as you are slotted into a queue around the Earth! Thank You for Waiting. An operator will be with you shortly. Cue THUNDERBIRDS muzak! Thank You for Waiting. An operator will be with you shortly. Cue THUNDERBIRDS muzak! Thank You for Waiting. An operator will be with you shortly. Cue THUNDERBIRDS muzak! Thank You for Waiting. An operator will be with you shortly. Cue THUNDERBIRDS muzak! Thank You for Waiting. An operator will be with you shortly. Cue THUNDERBIRDS muzak! Thank You for Waiting. An operator will be with you shortly. Cue THUNDERBIRDS muzak! Thank You for Waiting. An operator will be with you shortly. Cue THUNDERBIRDS muzak! Thank You for-THUNDERBIRDS – shortly…

Hello. You have reached an Asian sweatshop phone network, orbiting the Earth. How can I help you.

All the operators introduce themselves with the same lines, and they all sound like Tin-Tin or Kyrano. If you don’t know who Tin-Tin or Kyrano is, press Star Zero.

Thankyou for calling the TUNDERBIRDS, and how are you to-day. All the operators ask the same questions in the same intonations and repeat your answers by rote as part of their training conditioning. Reassurances that you have been understood sound charmingly melodic but with no relation to semantics: the syllables might as well be notes on a xylophone…

And so thank you I see yes I understand. You are at the bottom of the ocean, and you have been saying that you have two hours of oxygen supply left to you, and your colleague is in coma, and so you are very worried. This is what you have said to-day yes? And so thank you I see yes I understand. Now, are you wanting to pay by direct debit or international bank draft?

Victims who die in the queue are not a negative statistic because they are not yet THUNDERBIRDS clients. They are merely dead people.

Thanks for the help there....lets hope that we stay on the Pembroke coastal path.....

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