
New Member
hi series nuts,
Have been thinking of joining the gang.A while back i viewed a 109,outer inspection showed it was overpriced and pretty tired to say the least,but thought i would sit in drivers seat anyway.sorry,i will get to the a bit over 6"4 and found that my eye line was directly level with roof/sun visor,so therefore very unsuitable for me !
Do u think i will have this same problem in all s111 types ?

Are you six inches four 6"4, or six foot four inches 6'4"? If your 6'4" then I reckon the only thing you'll get a decent view out of is a bicycle.
thanks for utterly useless,perdantict comment which made me chuckle.........especially as my only form of transport at the mo is ....yep,u guessed.

get a tilt with GPMG cupola on it. then speak to marcus and see if he'll sell you his snorkel top. mate the two together and yule be seeing wur yer going in no time
I'm 6'4" too and have had no problem in any of the Landys I've owned over the years - SII, SIIA, SIII and now Defender. In fact, in my current Defender, I've raised the seat up about 1.5" so that I can move it back a bit and gain a bit of leg room. This, together with a smaller steering wheel, makes the vehicle much more comfortable to drive.
I do find myself looking through the top part of the windscreen though, so if there's a sun visor fitted, this could be a problem - suggest you just remove it.
Is the vehicle fitted with non standard seats perhaps?
You could allways take the lid off and fold down the windscreen if you dont mind the weather and the odd fly.
thanks lads,especially treworgey,slob i have not got the slightest idea what u were on about,but im sure its a cracking idea !!

Stick with the bike, less to go wrong and better MPG, oh but that's why we love them, allways something to do!
Tookey, hahaha, people were shorter in the good old days, it's the higher protein diet and all these growth promotants that we ingest that increases our height. Seriously though. I'm 6'1" and I feel more comfortable in the Land Rover than I did in the 2 Nissan Patrols and the 2 Toyota Landcruisers I owned.
I don't know if it's possible to lower your seat, to improve your vision, but it seems to me that is the only cure for your problem, all things are possible, but the cost of this modification will have to be considered, I really do sympathise with you, there isn't much adjustment in Land Rover seats.
Just to give you some encouragement. I lowered the seats on my MGA 1600 to suit my driving position better, it was a successful alteration.
Kind regards...Ron.
Alright Ron,yeah i had heard that we r bigger,i was bitching about most of my gardening tools at work being too short and the sales rep did explain that mojority of spades/forks etc r still desidged to ww11 specs,we r now approx 2inch taller,seems like a very short period of time to gain 2" but who am i to argue.

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