here we go wiring again, nearly did it apart from these last few wires just can't remember were they go and my brain is starting to melt again, two very thin earth wires and one earthing point which i just randomly bolted behind the dash, any help please anybody, here are some awful photo,s i just took with my phone..........
They are earth wires, could go under the thumb-screw on the gauge to an earth connection or other way round from a spade on the gauge to a screw on the bulkhead.
Hi guys thank you for your help, I have just one wiper motor mounted on the left with a screw wire to the wheel boxes mounted on the bulkhead so I don't think it's for that, the car is a 2a made around 69, the wires are very short and thin and too small to go under the thumbscrews, I'm pretty sure they came of the back of the dash, was about 2 yrs ago when they were removed and my brain doesn't work as well as it used to and just can't remember were they were attached. If someone could just take a peak behind the back of their dash they may help me solve the mystery, been scratching my head too much over this one now all my hair is starting to fall out, which is a bit of a problem because I haven't got much left anyway.
cheers for now.

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