
Dude, where abouts in mansfield is this place and how much does it cost?
I only live 15 mins away from Mansfield,

Yes dude, i would love some directions to this place please. Also let me know when you go again so i can meet up with ya.

Looks good, I'm about 17 miles SE of Mansfield. More info would be appreciated if possible ie directions /grid ref.

Regards WP.:cool:
If your in the derbyshire area there is a brill place i have started to go near matlock. Its a good size with plenty of drops and mud. Lookin for a fellow landy driver to come along cuz most people down there are in suzukis!! The good thing is its free and legal!

If ya fancy it PM me mate

i know for a fact that its not legal my mate had his car taken off him and had to pay to get it back, i go every now and again but ive not been for about 12 months
have they changed it we used to get buggud by the fuzz
the idiots spoil it with the stolen cars and fires........:mad:
Im not sure if its the same place we are talking about but the many people down there say its ok to use and the land owner comes down in his Daihatsu for a play. Because its private the police are powerless.
The place youre reffering to near Matlock.

If its where I think it is, then its on Bonsall moor. No its not legal.
the desert is the old rufford collirey , very big and lots to do , the place near matlock ure on about its not black rock is it at the top of cromford hill , i would like to know if theres a place near me that ive not tryed.
Hi There Names Rick I Live Right Near The Desert Been Going There Since I Was A Youn One . Been Going Down About 17 Years Really Cool Place A Lot Of People Dont Even Know Its There .if Any One Is Planning To Go Be Ware Of The Police Dont Let This Put You Off Thay Only Tell Ya Off For Being There And Here Is A Tip .the Cops Knock Of At 2 O Clock So Anyone Going There Make It About 3 Oclock , Here Is Another Tip Use My Post Code To Find It . When You Get On My Street Just Ask Where The Desert Is . Ng19 0et.hope This Will Help Some People .i Dont Own A Landrover Anymore I Own A Red Grizzly Farm Quad And A Merc G Wagon Its Green Any One Look Out Fpr Me Ill Show You Around This Massive Site .rick
Hi There Names Rick I Live Right Near The Desert Been Going There Since I Was A Youn One . Been Going Down About 17 Years Really Cool Place A Lot Of People Dont Even Know Its There .if Any One Is Planning To Go Be Ware Of The Police Dont Let This Put You Off Thay Only Tell Ya Off For Being There And Here Is A Tip .the Cops Knock Of At 2 O Clock So Anyone Going There Make It About 3 Oclock , Here Is Another Tip Use My Post Code To Find It . When You Get On My Street Just Ask Where The Desert Is . Ng19 0et.hope This Will Help Some People .i Dont Own A Landrover Anymore I Own A Red Grizzly Farm Quad And A Merc G Wagon Its Green Any One Look Out Fpr Me Ill Show You Around This Massive Site .rick
Hi i would love to go to the desert on my motocross bike, i have been told the best place to park my van is at the side off the golf course are you near there or do you no where i could park where me van s going to be safe thanks
The desert is ace for knocking about in but BE WARNED myself and 5 of my mates all in discos and other 4x4's had our photo taken last year....by guess what..... the police chopper! the following week we all recieved letters saying that if our registrations were recorded as being on the land again (its owned by RGB mining) we would be persued legally for trespass. Another time the police turned up in landrovers and trials bikes and again were videoing people that attempted to access. Just a warning of course we are all adults and know the precautions to take (take plates off when u get past the golf course)

Have been loads of times since then and hardly seen the police, its worth noting tho, that some complete idiots use the desert to show off there stolen cars and then set fire to them, also watch out for small children that cant control the 250 there sat on and also buried steel, i blew 2 tyres out on one day once :D
was at the desert at weekend the cops came down but never said nothing to us where would be the best place to park i parked at golf course thanks
Ive never parked there, im always driving whatever i have turned up in :) most people ive seen tend to drive into the desert a little ways, the road is horrid tho, as u will know :D

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