
Well-Known Member
I went to buy some bolts from Penistone (stop sniggering at the back) Engineering supplies this morning. An excellent place to buy bolts and stuff from, proper old school and they sell things you could not even imagine were still even made. the guy at the counter still wears one of those brown warehouse coat things.

So I came up behind the guy in the first picture, just how far did he think he was going to get in his 2 wheel drive Volvo? the other three photos were taken a few hundred yards further along where he was trying to get to! Fortunately I was able to reverse into a field gate and let the guy reverse back down the hill into the relative civilisation that is the amusingly named market town of Penistone (I told you to stop sniggering) After I got through the big snowy drifts and stuff along the top of the hill I found a guy in a VW Crafter courier van stuck and not going any where, so I dragged him out to a position where he could turn round and go another way, what he actually said was "Sod this I'm going back to Sheffield"


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I'll admit that I sniggered.

Looks like good fun, fancy sharing some of your snow up my way? Ours is all but gone :(

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