Well that wasn't very one sided was it?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: .

And all that publicity is just going to attract more people who want to drive it.
I know more people are now going to go there. to be honist i think there are just trying to blame the lot of there problems on 4x4s when half of them are nature.
Watched it in great detail a couple of time and not surprised how things by the program makers have been taken out of context, take the example of laners been abusive well thats a reaction to her and her supporters/ relatives been very abusive kicking vechicles spitting a drivers who after all are only driving on a road.

Then theres the bit about a group who found the bottom blocked by a car, again quotes taken from a forum "out of context". What commnets made on that forum stated just before and what they failed to mention was one on of the group ring the plods who suggested they turn round and go back the way they came which they did and that ***** her off. :D

So its typicial nimbies again Llangollen is internatioanal known, tourists arrive from all the worlds countries they want the money but moan when a few drive about. World famous lane, if she didn't moan as much and create websites about it, it would'nt be that famous.

Now she moaning the road been tarmaced just can't please some people.
May be we should invite the TV documentary makers to come on a sensible laning trip?
Now then, In a way I do sypathise with the residents about the noise but if you buy a house next to a road,railway,airport or motorway then its down to you. Maybe the council could divert the end of the track away from their homes. Maybe sound proof fences could be errected. Maybe signs could be erected letting drivers know there are residential properties and ask that noise is kept to a minimum. However, this is a road and everybody has a right to use it. It is clear that the residents feel very strongly about the use of 4X4vehicles over anything else and in typical media fashion we are made out to be the bad guys. Even to the extent that the waterworks were turned on! I am sure that the fight will go on till the bitter end untill the road is closed to all traffic and turned into a briddleway. Mind you that would start another fight over the damage to the track by horse shoes and the smell from all the crap left behind. I am proud to own my 4X4 and nobody is gonna stop me doing what I like, NOBODY!!!
May be we should invite the TV documentary makers to come on a sensible laning trip?

Never gonna happen mate coz the media want doom and gloom and don't want to be seen to approve of a controversial subject. Especially the BBC:mad:
seen it,went down it the day before it was closed will be back next year,when re-opens,the lane will out live the nimbys and moaners.
I am sure that the fight will go on till the bitter end untill the road is closed to all traffic and turned into a briddleway. Mind you that would start another fight over the damage to the track by horse shoes and the smell from all the crap left behind.!!

No it wouldn't one of the women owns the riding stables and uses the lane with her horses. That's why she wants it turning into a bridleway.
No it wouldn't one of the women owns the riding stables and uses the lane with her horses. That's why she wants it turning into a bridleway.

Yes, Sally Clark and Shirley Marriott one of them owns the stables and I beleive a load of holiday cottages as well.

Which is odd as some 4x4 group came from down south and stayed there so quite happy to take money off them then. We meet them on the wayfarer and mentioned it to us saying they "found" a really hard lane to get up near there cottage, and did we know about it.

Shame this lot did not meet them on there travels, taken from the Glass site

Liverpool Land Rover Owners Club Take Part In Operation Udder!
With Corwen Police (North Wales)

On Sunday 6th April 2008, 4 members of Liverpool Land Rover Owners Club, a GLASS affiliated club, and their vehicles took part in an operation with North Wales Police. The purpose of the operation was to catch the illegal users of the public rights of way (I.e. ‘green lanes’) in the Corwen area of North Wales and where appropriate, issue summonses and if necessary confiscate vehicles.
Taking part in this operation were county wardens, uniformed police officers, the force helicopter, marked police vehicles, mounted police units and Liverpool Land Rover Owners Club vehicles.
The police acknowledged that the majority of 4x4 users were responsible users of the public rights of way and that the main target was the illegal, un-taxed, un-insured, un-licensed motor cycles and of course any 4x4’s behaving badly.

At the morning briefing held at Corwen Police Station, each of the club vehicles were assigned a uniformed police officer and an area to patrol. We then set off to our designated areas with a uniformed police officer on board.
Later in the afternoon, we all returned to Corwen Police Station for debriefing.

We have all seen the damage to our country side caused by the small minority of irresponsible users and the bad publicity this gives us all. This is why we had no hesitation to help out with this police operation and will also continue to do so in the future.

Well done Liverpool Land Rover Owners Club!
Liverpool Land Rover Owners Club Take Part In Operation Udder!
With Corwen Police (North Wales)

On Sunday 6th April 2008, 4 members of Liverpool Land Rover Owners Club, a GLASS affiliated club, and their vehicles took part in an operation with North Wales Police. The purpose of the operation was to catch the illegal users of the public rights of way (I.e. ‘green lanes’) in the Corwen area of North Wales and where appropriate, issue summonses and if necessary confiscate vehicles.
Taking part in this operation were county wardens, uniformed police officers, the force helicopter, marked police vehicles, mounted police units and Liverpool Land Rover Owners Club vehicles.
The police acknowledged that the majority of 4x4 users were responsible users of the public rights of way and that the main target was the illegal, un-taxed, un-insured, un-licensed motor cycles and of course any 4x4’s behaving badly.

At the morning briefing held at Corwen Police Station, each of the club vehicles were assigned a uniformed police officer and an area to patrol. We then set off to our designated areas with a uniformed police officer on board.
Later in the afternoon, we all returned to Corwen Police Station for debriefing.

We have all seen the damage to our country side caused by the small minority of irresponsible users and the bad publicity this gives us all. This is why we had no hesitation to help out with this police operation and will also continue to do so in the future.

Well done Liverpool Land Rover Owners Club!

FFS do you not know how to say anything else :rolleyes:

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