cornish rattler

Well-Known Member
Hi guys

I planed a couple of weeks ago when son got his car back on the road that i would start doing all the jobs that need doing over the next few weeks / month's which i have already started doing but one day last week some guys turned up to say they are coming next week to re-roof the house ( council ) and scaffolding will be erected around the house ( end house ) and it will take 4 weeks to do.

ok it doesn't stop me from doing the jobs but for road testing it does as the 90 is in the garage and refitting the engine tomorrow after doing a few jobs on it and then fitting a new polybush kit, so looks like i am screwed for a few weeks :eek:
I had a whole new roof put on a detached house in less than two weeks. They're taking the p155.
A lot of people would need daily access to their garage, and that's what you're signed up to rent, so they should either arrange the scaffolding so as not to obstruct the access or you should ask for a reduction in rent. It's reducing the amenity value of the house if you can't use all the stuff you're paying for.
A lot of people would need daily access to their garage, and that's what you're signed up to rent, so they should either arrange the scaffolding so as not to obstruct the access or you should ask for a reduction in rent. It's reducing the amenity value of the house if you can't use all the stuff you're paying for.


They should be able to set up the scaffold to allow access to the garage.
Yeah think they are doing houses that have had roof problems like us then the plan it to re-roof all the houses i think as i have been watching them working in another street near us where they have been working re-roofing a row of houses and up to now they have taken 5 weeks and still working on some of them so i am hoping they will be quick with our's :)
Yeah think they are doing houses that have had roof problems like us then the plan it to re-roof all the houses i think as i have been watching them working in another street near us where they have been working re-roofing a row of houses and up to now they have taken 5 weeks and still working on some of them so i am hoping they will be quick with our's, although they haven't started our's yet :eek:
Is it not part of your car insurance that your motor is garage every night and needs put to bed at the end of the day;)
4 weeks will fly by. I suppose asking for access to your garage is fair but just think of all the other things u can get done to it quicker because u can't drive it lol
4 weeks will fly by. I suppose asking for access to your garage is fair but just think of all the other things u can get done to it quicker because u can't drive it lol

Yeah that's what i was thinking, i also have a mate making me a bench in my garage for me in 3 weeks time aswell should be fun plenty of:5bcheers2:
Tell the council to make sure the scaffolders give you access to your garage as it is part of your insurance cover conditions or they will be held responsible if anything happens to your Land Rover. Put it in writing and request a written reply before work starts.
Meant to ask ,how did you get on with your garage roof supports from a few months back? Obviously still on if your still using it.
Meant to ask ,how did you get on with your garage roof supports from a few months back? Obviously still on if your still using it.

We bolted a piece of 3"x 2" box section steel in for now but plan to buy two acrow props now i have found somewhere local where i can buy some and bolt them into the floor for extra support.
Oh its going to be here for 6 weeks now and they still haven't started on the roof yet so if i see the scaffolder's on Monday i will get them to sort it :(

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