
New Member
Guy I'm buying the 109 got in contact with me and it appears my worst fears were correct. The dizzy bint who originally bought it from him has not just buggered the rad but appears to have completely shagged the engine. Signs of over heating, ptfe tape all over the rad, brown water , thermostat removed etc etc.... thinking HG and worse

As he put it he's not going to pass it on to me - his reputation is worth more than the hassel she is threatening small claims etc - when he refused to buy it back she came out with a three page list of faults - my two personal favs were poor handling and saggy door cards ffs

He returned my deposit instantly and has been upfront and honest throughout.

He did suggest trying her direct to see if I could beat her down and source a replacement 2 1/4.

Questions - how much for a decent 21/4 petrol? May have a runner for £100 but still in a chassis - not removed one before - how hard is it to do??? Anyone near North Yorkshire moors willing to help for beer tokens?

Will probably get a local garage to fit - any idea for the time a garage would take (just so I can get an idea on costs - was told by the "landrover man" to expect about £300.

I don't want some silly cow to kill a good 109 because she thought it was like owning a fecking Nissan Micra.

Thoughts , advice or abuse please!
2.25 petrol is nearly bullet proof unless siezed head gasket is easy job and very unlikely for head to be damaged
2.25 petrol is nearly bullet proof unless siezed head gasket is easy job and very unlikely for head to be damaged

Having been frozen and then boiled she did make rather a good job of killing it...

Test will be on the way home (if i get it at the right price) either under it's own steam or on the back of an AA lorry...
Would you not now consider sticking a diesel in for vastly improved fuel economy?
Would you not now consider sticking a diesel in for vastly improved fuel economy?

It was built as a petrol I would like to keep it orig + for the sort of distances I'm looking at it won't be an issue + smooth petrol or lumpy diesel?
just a thought but if she recently bought it from this respectable garage why did it freeze should the service not of included antifreeze
just a thought but if she recently bought it from this respectable garage why did it freeze should the service not of included antifreeze

Bought in the summer - told to top up/change anti freeze for the winter but didn't bother.
6 months use,unless antifreeze was under strength or temps extremely cold still dont sound right to me
Anyone near North Yorkshire moors willing to help for beer tokens?

Will probably get a local garage to fit - any idea for the time a garage would take (just so I can get an idea on costs - was told by the "landrover man" to expect about £300.

Thoughts , advice or abuse please!
where / who has it in north yorks? do they have facilities? (ie workshop or under cover, hoist, or can the chassis be transported off site to a workshop?)
and how's it getting to kent? (presume thats where its going)

would allow a morning to remove, and probably a day to fit a runner and fettle, given its a straight swap. could be done in a day but it'd be a long un'.
would guess 300 is top side of avarage commercially, but possibly leaving a bit of time in case of problems.
but i'm not trade.

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