j the range

New Member
just to say its been goog rangie now gone to new home hope he is happy with it, so goodbye guys and goodluck with your ranger rovers may all your probs be small.. j the range..:mad:
Sorry to here that mate. Sad day all round. Know how much you thought of your motor.
Hope you told him about the doofers to deactivate the side airbags. Hope you will stay around J. Happy trouble free (no P38) New Year.
Well, that's yet another "Old Timer" that has hung up his boots. I thought that I would be out of here before him and the others that appear to have ridden off into the sunset...Gemsdad, Gavbriggs and others spring to mind.
"J" you have been an inspiration over the years and a great example of what Landyzone participation is all about, always ready to give people a dig out when needed irregardless. I take my hat off to you Bud :praise:
Sales of Jammie Dodgers and other goodies will plummet as a result...you greedy git !!
It's been a pleasure to have had the chance to meet you and also share plenty of banter with you over the years and also follow the informative and helpful posts you have made during that time.
The forum will not be the same without you.
I wish you all the best for the future and feel sure you will still keep your hand in with the spanners and carry on giving first class advice to those who are prepared to listen to someone who has "Been there, done that & got the "T" shirt".

Sincere best wishes mate.....

Well, that's yet another "Old Timer" that has hung up his boots. I thought that I would be out of here before him and the others that appear to have ridden off into the sunset...Gemsdad, Gavbriggs and others spring to mind.
"J" you have been an inspiration over the years and a great example of what Landyzone participation is all about, always ready to give people a dig out when needed irregardless. I take my hat off to you Bud :praise:
Sales of Jammie Dodgers and other goodies will plummet as a result...you greedy git !!
It's been a pleasure to have had the chance to meet you and also share plenty of banter with you over the years and also follow the informative and helpful posts you have made during that time.
The forum will not be the same without you.
I wish you all the best for the future and feel sure you will still keep your hand in with the spanners and carry on giving first class advice to those who are prepared to listen to someone who has "Been there, done that & got the "T" shirt".

Sincere best wishes mate.....


i agree with everything that irishrover says.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.;)

best of wishes j the range,you are a good man.hope you get better real soon matey.;)
Couldn't put it better than Irishrover says. I haven't been on for a while but you were/are one of the stalwarts of the forum. All the best J The Range.
ha , you'll be back . what ever you replace it with will be reliable , economical and cheap to insure , you'll be back . :your_wrong::Cry::Cry:
Hi J,

Hope you stay around on the forum. Your help and advice are always appreciated.
Thanks for the help you gave to me with my loss of sync problem.

All the best, Don.

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