
Well-Known Member
Howdy doo!
Just a few photos and tips on Velding that has been done today!
Back cross member thingy at back below door on D1
I premake my repair pannel first and draw around it with chalk. Always go at least 2 inches past your last bit of rust! As it may look solid but it won't be
using thin cutting discs , cut on the lines you have drawn ! Its is easier to sand some metal off later than to fill big feckin gaps!
Once cut out paint the inside of the cross member with paint (obviously)
I tack little bits of metal on the edges of my repair pannel as it helps for it to sit flush ! Some people use magnets to hold the pannel in place but I have found you get loads of crappy bits of metal stuck to it and you end up with hairy magnets
you would ideally put a tack every 30mm. this prevents the pannel distorting when welding ! Also stagger your welds , do a bit at the left , then the opposite side then the middle then the left blah blah blah! You get the idea! It stops heat build up and prevents it warping!!
Ideally you should have a gap of 1 mm to aid with penetration, as we all love penetration! But when using 1.2 mm thick steel its difficult and you start blowing holes through if your an intermediate skilled welder. If you do blow holes, just join lots of little tacks together until it fills the gap!! It ain't an oil rig we are welding so it don't have to be Perfik. Little pick of my welding
once welded, grind the feker down flush!! The aim of grinding is to only take the weld off and not grind into the patch or vehicle! We've all done it and ended up with geet big gouges !! Anyhoo after grinding then sanding , cover it with thick paint so nobody can see how rough your metalwork is
hope this helps people's
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Thats a nice neat job.

I have a couple of magnets with on/off switches that I use for ‘neat’ jobs.

Other wise I use either clamps on my table or the red triangle things which are cheap enough to just replace.

Ruby ininky use magnets for long enough to tack weld the metal in place then I take the magnets off.

I keep the red triangles in a ziplock bag, it does occasionally get melted....
Thats a nice neat job.

I have a couple of magnets with on/off switches that I use for ‘neat’ jobs.

Other wise I use either clamps on my table or the red triangle things which are cheap enough to just replace.

Ruby ininky use magnets for long enough to tack weld the metal in place then I take the magnets off.

I keep the red triangles in a ziplock bag, it does occasionally get melted....
Good info!! If I use magnets I normally put masking tape on them! Then you can peel it off!!
What's a neat job anyhoo?? Never done one of them before lol
Nice job what welder do you have?
Thanks for the comment.
I'm using a Lincoln 200c speedtec
Its a 3 in one machine . Mig,Tig and stick
Its also got some clever technology behind it.
You just set your juice level and it automatically sets the wire speed!
Its digital so you can enter in , metal type, gas type, metal thickness , and it works out your settings for you!!
Never used that bit! I just like the idea of one control does both!
You can also mig weld aluminium with it!!
Change the setting on screen! Put an aluminium spool in and blast away with 200 amps!
That's another good thing about it! You get a full 200 amps from a 13 amp socket! Not many machines can do that ! Infact I don't know any !!!
So if anyone is buying a welder and thier budget allows it, I highly recommend it! Had it 5 years and has been used 5 hours a day nearly everyday since I've bought it and it's never had any faults "touch wood" !

Hope this helps
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nice job fairplay weldy ;)
i done my old 200 4 years ago sorry i sold it now though all the work i done
You would have still been working on your 200 now mate, So its blessing in disguise!! They are never finished!!
Thanks again for the comments
One more Top Tip
Don't forget to remove your negative terminal on your battery before welding !
It may be an old welders wives tale. But apparently it used to burn out the voltage regulator on your alty
And with all this new fangled ECU 5h1te it could do damage !!
I've forgotten numerous times to do that and nowts happened !!
But just to be cautious , remove it
Thanks for this. You might just have given me the nudge I need to learn to do mine myself.
Thank you! And no probs! It only took 45 mins!! But ive been doing this for over 20 year now! Thing is dont rush!! The neater you are with your patch, cut ,welding and finshing the more you learn!! Never rush!! It isn't that hard as it looks mate! Always giz a shout if your stuck and i can talk you through it!! Or if your ever passing Newcastle I will spend a few hours on it for free for you!!
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Just another bit of info!!
If your a novice welder! Don't worry about putting a full run of weld! Just join tacks together!! It takes longer but is still as strong for our purpose! Juice up slightly higher so you melt into the other tack!! Practice and watch yootube!! Wor lass is a good welder just after showing her the basics !!! Plus grinders make bad welds perfect! Paint makes bad grinding good and underseal is magical :) but the best piece of advice ever is get your metal as clean as you can, shiney clean! No paint ,rust or grease! If it ain't clean even expert welders put down Sh1te welds!! Preparation is the key!!!
One more Top Tip
Don't forget to remove your negative terminal on your battery before welding !
It may be an old welders wives tale. But apparently it used to burn out the voltage regulator on your alty
And with all this new fangled ECU 5h1te it could do damage !!
I've forgotten numerous times to do that and nowts happened !!
But just to be cautious , remove it
Yeahh that's still the case on older vehicles, modern vehicles with ECU and airbags sound like a nightmare..
@Weldy I need a couple of these brackets welded up to fit a strap to the thermal reservoir. Is there any way you might be able to fabricate them for me or would you need to see the CAD drawings? Thanks in advance.....

You have just burnt out my last remaining brain cell looking at that! Lol
I don't do cad!! Will a sketch on the back of a beer Matt suffice?
And I will have them finished by the end of Octember!
That's brilliant mate!! Do you mind if I use that post to confuse other thick welders like myself!!!

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