hey im trying to get a 92 disco on the road again but its gonna need some welding to be done .. any one tell me how much roughly its gonna cost ?
near side front door pillar at the bottom
near side rear pillar at bottom
both rear wheel arches
boot floor .hole bout 6" by 6"
nearside inner sill

hope you guys can help :)
Probably two / two and a half days labour + materials.

Inner sill £55
Outer sill £57.27
Boot floor £47.50 (or piece of 6" x 6" plate)
Rear wheel arches £27.43 each


Probably more than it's worth unless you can find a nice person that'll do it for bacon sarnies.

Edit: The problem with things like this is once you get started you might find you need a lot more doing
Absolutely imposible question. You won't properly know the extent of the rust till it's in bits so the labour cost is not possible to estimate accurately.
Just had a load to do to get my MOT, before I costed the parts I set to with a wire brush and grinder to see if it was worth it. I had to replace rear floor, serious repair around both outer rear seat belt mounts, 6" section on the N/S sill at the rear, O/S/F body mount to sill. Job looked to be a couple of days so made enquireies from local welders, estimates came in at around £500. Checked on cost of parts and a basic welding kit from Halfords, that all came in at £200. Set to buying the parts and a couple of packs of rods and taught myself to weld, all the work took me about 2 weeks, a bit each night and weekends. The whole lot satisfied the MOT tester even though the welding is far from pretty, it has done the job and I'm okay with that. Forgot, the body mount got away with a bit of grinding and a plate to the side.

There is one thing to watch, welding upside down is not only dangerous it nigh on impossible as I found doing the sill because molten metal reacts really well to gravity and when it hits the ground it goes everywhere. Dont' do any welding without the right gear and that includes an apron, might be expensive and look daft but molten metal really hurts. Loads of patience required.

Bite the bullet, it's great fun and another skill I'm glad I've got.
that'll be because you went for a stick welder rather than mig.

If the o.p's interested I've got a little mig welder I'd sell, Needs a bit of tlc but sound - £40, no bottle with it though (use gasless wire, problem solved), Can't garantee anything but my old man had it working when he got it and it's not been touched since.
I might be interested in doing it, not that near you though (South Wirral, Cheshire) - are you looking to have it done quickly though? I work really slowly...
pop it over to me and ill have a look over it for you :)
and the best thing is you aint that far from me, send me a pm and ill give ya me phone number and address :)
Badgers work for monster energy and chips. But your a little far away! Welding upside down is possible with mig and tig, I was doing it todayy, but the mig splatter goes EVERYWHERE !! By the sounds of it I would budget 500 quids worth of welding or get someone on here mate
Fok me… you guys buy expensive!!!

My SIP100 mig welder cost 70 quid off ebay.. the metal, I go to the local metal fabricator and get their offcuts for free…
only have to pay for the wire roll and gas…

about protection, spend some money on a good auto darkening welding mask (it helps loads when you are learning to weld) and also welding gloves.

Go on ebay, and look for some old motorbike leathers…that's what I use when welding underneath..just have some old bike leathers over my legs and put the jacket on..

or just live with the burns… I did some work during the summer last year and the leathers were too hot. so I just lived with getting burnt
oh god i'd forgotten about the sound of burning earwax, must've been to long since i've worked on the old girl, tis a wonder she hasn't fell apart.
Do any of you keen welders exercise your knowledge in the Henley, Oxon area?
I have a RRC '93 (had it a few months, just catastrophically faild an MOT) which needs quite a lot of work doing to it under the rear seats and need some expert guidance!
If not do you know "a man who can" for reasonable money?

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