
New Member

i have spent quite abit of cash on my disco and she's in good nick for her age bar rear x member however sourced a new 1 of those.

what i would really like to do is remove all rear windows and put mild steel in place and then get her sprayed.she's a 3 door so trying to get commercial look!
i need a van so removed back seats but its just not right i'm not into the window's

what would be the best way to weld it as a seam would be nice but wouldnt that take ages??
as that way you could rub it down and when spray job is done it will look like its never been changed

i do know a good bit about landys but never touched welding.

so if any 1 abit short on work and has some time and the knowledge of doing this i would and getting it to a finished standard i would happily pay them for there time or even quote me on the job

in the cheshire area

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It would be good if someone made a panel that just fitted in the rubbers instead of glass :D

It'd be a straight forward conversion then!
I would be implied to make the panels and bond them in place and finish the edge with a bead of sealer (same stuff you bond it in with) as welding will distort it to much.
Sika would do a suitable sealer/adhesive.

I am a coachbuilder by trade and you would be surprised as to what is bonded on vehicles today. Take the big artic trailers for the food industry they are mostly just bonded together with a few rivets and bolts holding bits on.

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