and the septics can spell? eh! let see ' tire' 'color' and a whole host of other ones and what about 'the ca-rib-bean instead of ca-ri-be-an. just don't start and remember yule always be of european stock no matter how much you mess up the langauge
y'awl have a nice day! ya hear
oh! and of course y'awl call a liquid 'GAS' AND it is faeces unless yer a septic..and i should know cos i generally talk a load of crap. but atleast i'm not full of it
while i'm going on about words and stuff did y'awl know that the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary??
go slob....

Lets look at American Engineering shall we?

The Dodge Viper 8.3 V10 and produces an astonishing 510bhp.

I'm sorry but what does a Range Rover Sport do?

4.2 litre V8 385bhp

We may be owned by Ford but we will always be British!
can we talk about aloominum too?

And where did the "z" in "lazer" come from? Don't the daft yanks know that its an ac-ro-nym?
oh! oh! and what about leeeeeeee jurrr instead of leisure the list is endless..and they have a monkey as president
i think they might be responsible for peanut butter and! eh! and...zzzzz..zzzz..zzzzzz...OH! and... and... gawd their must be something else can't think what.
come on then y'awl what have the yanks given the world, not people,not any thing invented by others that the yanks have added to and nothing by stolen german scientists.
It's an adjustable spanner!!!!

Is it bollocks it's called a Shifter, or even a Shifting Spanner. The Septics may know them as Crescent spanners, after the company that makes them over there.
GRUNT said:
Is it bollocks it's called a Shifter, or even a Shifting Spanner. The Septics may know them as Crescent spanners, after the company that makes them over there.

What are you on?

It's news to me!

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