Mike Hunt

New Member
Done a search but can't find the information related to the problems I am having. Hope you can help. I have suspected the battery is getting ready it turned over slowly the other week. This morning I got in it for work and it just clicked second try fired up. Got to work and turned it off and tried it again it was just click tried loads of times. I then went outside turned the ignition on put my headlights on full beem to see if they dimmed under crank turned the key and it fired straight away. Can anyone help? Thanks.
I just left it running half hour to top battery up. Turned it clicked next turn fired. It is very intermittent. Could it still be a dodgy battery?
Checked the terminals on the battery they are tight looks like the battery's been on a while. I will get the starter checked thanks for your help.

You'llget the starter checked???
all you need to do is waggle the wires similar to checking battery terminals!

At the very worst you may need to clean up starter solenoid. tis easy ;)
You'llget the starter checked???
all you need to do is waggle the wires similar to checking battery terminals!

At the very worst you may need to clean up starter solenoid. tis easy ;)

Ha ha I meant I will check it ;) just stuck at work for next 12 hours. not surprised If the starters ****ed I have had this car just shy of a year and had many many issues
starter is fooked it will have a woren part on the amauture with the engine vibrating . it will always start in sumer but when it starts to get colder it will fail.change it now before u get stuck ....
starter is fooked it will have a woren part on the amauture with the engine vibrating . it will always start in sumer but when it starts to get colder it will fail.change it now before u get stuck ....

Cheers I will do. It is firing every time now probs cause its a bit warmer outside.
starter is fooked it will have a woren part on the amauture with the engine vibrating . it will always start in sumer but when it starts to get colder it will fail.change it now before u get stuck ....

You have Xray vision?

More likely to be the solenoid and wont cost a penny to look yourself. ;)
It's one of the most comon things on Td5, and always starts as intermittent fault... buy this LANDROVER DISCOVERY TD5 STARTER SOLENOID REPAIR KIT 98 | eBay , take starter off, replace contacts and core of the solenoid, put it back and everything will be OK.

The top bolt which holds the starter is different then the others...and quite hard to access, use a flexible wrench or something
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Yep, my guess is that it'll be those solenoid connections. Starts fine sometimes, then you get the dreaded "click" intermittently, sometimes you think it'll not start at all, then it does....until the next time. When you take the starter motor off, beware that there are two bolts and a nut to remove (or the other way around, can't remember now). The bottom two are one size, 13m I think and the top one, which you can't see, is a 15 from memory. Had great fun wondering why the spanner wouldn't fit.
No one so far has mentioned about cleaning the battery posts/ or battery connection spot
or the ends of the battery cables and using battery connection/anti corrosion spray on them and then taking off the the starter cable's at the starter and cleaning then and put a dob off grease on them and refit
It's one of the most comon things on Td5, and always starts as intermittent fault... buy this LANDROVER DISCOVERY TD5 STARTER SOLENOID REPAIR KIT 98 | eBay , take starter off, replace contacts and core of the solenoid, put it back and everything will be OK.

The top bolt which holds the starter is different then the others...and quite hard to access, use a flexible wrench or something

I agree with him ^^^^^^^.

It'll be the starter solenoid contacts fubared.
Done a search but can't find the information related to the problems I am having. Hope you can help. I have suspected the battery is getting ready it turned over slowly the other week. This morning I got in it for work and it just clicked second try fired up. Got to work and turned it off and tried it again it was just click tried loads of times. I then went outside turned the ignition on put my headlights on full beem to see if they dimmed under crank turned the key and it fired straight away. Can anyone help? Thanks.
hi there its a problem with the starter motor the make should be nipon denso its the contact set at the rear off the starter cost to repair should be no more than 40 pounds if if u need help just let me know i recon starter motor and alternators for a liveing

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