
Active Member
I know defenders are forever making strange noises, but this one was new, very loud and worrying.

Basically it sounded like a mixture of squeaky springs crossed with someone scraping a black board. It was incredibly loud, and was coming from the rear somewhere (1987 90 300tdi). I was doing 30mph, cruising along a flat smooth road at the time. I pulled over after about 10 seconds of the noise continuing. I came to a full stop, at which point the noise stopped, so I left the engine running when I got out, inspected everything at the back, all looked well, so I got back in and started to pull away slowly - nothing. It didn't come back for the 20 minutes drive home either.

I'm not a fan of intermittent, phantom problems like this - they can be a warning sign that's almost impossible to interpret sometimes.

My current theory is it's axle/diff related. This is only based on the fact that my rear diff was leaking at the seal recently, and before changing the seal, I tried clearing out the breather pipe, which seem,s to have to stopped the leak - I topped the oil level up a bit and left it as is for now.

Other than that - I'm at a complete loss as to what on earth it was? Any ideas? I know it's a bit vague, and could be all sorts of things, but I thought I'd see.
1987? Presumably you have drums on the back?
I think I'd be inclined to check that the shoe retaining springs are still in one piece.
One of mine broke years ago, with similar results.
I'd be inclined to check the rear brakes as oldseadog says. Drum brakes can make horrible squeaking noises on braking sometimes, possible a spring has snapped and so the shoe is dragging against the drum when rolling, making a noise similar to your description...
I'd be inclined to check the rear brakes as oldseadog says. Drum brakes can make horrible squeaking noises on braking sometimes, possible a spring has snapped and so the shoe is dragging against the drum when rolling, making a noise similar to your description...

+1, check the brakes.

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