
Hi all, I know there are various threads on this subject but can't remember comming across one like this, the button rubber in my P38 No1 fob did a runner, stuck it in the drawer and used the other (No2) fob, got/replaced the rubber, fob wont work, tried re-sinc still no go, 2 new batts still no re-sink, car battery dis-conn/re-conn both fobs not working, re-sinc both, No2 fob fine, No1 (new rubber fob) still no go, I alternate use of the fobs every few months both have had batteries and re-sinced a couple of times over the past few years, the No1 new rubber fob has been in use for a couple of months until the rubber did a bunk a few weeks ago and has laid in the spare key drawer until the new rubber arrived yesterday, after the power down the No2 fob (which had been previously been in the drawer for apx 3 months after it's last tour of duty) re-sinced 1st time, the new rubber No1 wouldn't sinc after several attempts, the LED flashes etc at each button push but nothing else, what can go wrong with a previously working fob that has just laid in a drawer for a few weeks, over the years each fob has spent 2 or 3 months in the drawer when the other was in use and the swapped over and never had a problem before, any ideas for the lock guru's out there cos I've about run out
hi roger , whats the display on dash saying ??????????
also is the contact slip still on the fob under access disc ?????
cheers mozz
Hi mozz, thanks for your reply, the dash display just shows as normal (P in park, total mileage and trip miles) when the car is unlocked with fob 2 she'll start and run with either keys it's just fob 1 wont operate the locking/unlocking, as I said I have used both keys on a few months rotation for years without issue and fob 1 was working as normal when I lost the button rubber 2/3 weeks ago it's just been laid in the drawer since then until yesterday, tried to sinc again a few minuets ago but nothing and the dash disply stayed as above, the label under the battery has 101 in small digits followed by 002937 in larger digits, the ifno on the label on the rear of the No1 key has rubbed off but No2 key has agr 99045 (there could be a 6th digit but that bit is scratched of) then PPLR so don't know if that helps any.
best regards roger
hi tomcat , back in frame !!!!!
hi roger, forget numbers ,on the one that's not working check under the round access disc " the one with slot on it and holds batteries in " !!!!!!! see if theres a little silver metal contact plate attached to it .!!!! if its missing that's your problem !!!!! if its lost let me know I will send you one !!!!!!! ok cheers mozz
hi tomcat , back in frame !!!!!
hi roger, forget numbers ,on the one that's not working check under the round access disc " the one with slot on it and holds batteries in " !!!!!!! see if theres a little silver metal contact plate attached to it .!!!! if its missing that's your problem !!!!! if its lost let me know I will send you one !!!!!!! ok cheers mozz
Good to hear from you Mozz, make sure you put your return address so he can send CAKE.:D:D:D
Hi mozz, the numbers on label on the PCB of the non functioning fob is the 101 followed by the larger digits 002937 as per pic. the transmit LED on the fob lights when the buttons are pressed, it performs just like a fob out of sinc but for some reason it wont sinc, it has done in the past at least a couple of times after battery changs etc, also looks like I'm ready for a new case didn't realise it was so dog eared
I think Mozz is on about the other bit that holds the batteries,their should be a small metal tag that sometimes falls out
I think Mozz is on about the other bit that holds the batteries,their should be a small metal tag that sometimes falls out

If the fob is lighting then the strip is there. However there can be a situation were the contact if misshapen touches the side of the batteries so only gives 3 volts instead of 6. A small strip of insulation tape over the strip on inside of the battery holder stops this from happening.
The strip looks ok but never thought about 2 series batteries and 1 getting kicked out if the + contact strip is tricky, should have thought of that cos the remote for the tracker alarm on my Stag has 3 batts in series and that used to be a right pain so for the past umpteen years I always encase the 3 batteries with tape just leaving the pos and neg showing, so done the same on the batts for the fob and sinced, up and running, nice one wammers, if we ever meet up I owe you a beer, hitching the caravan up next week for a tour about and I always like to take 2 working fob's with me when away, thanks again for everybody's input and regards to all.
cheers roger

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