
New Member
Sorry to be posting several threads, its just its easier for my simple brain to keep stuff in seperate posts!

My heater blower has got some sort of illness, it wont work on hot air, recirc, it works verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry slowly on cold air and in aircon mode the fan blows fine in all three positions

In the 2 positions it doesnt work, the clock and dash lights dim slightly when i switch the blower on, this says to me that it might be seized, but drawing current still, but this is contradicted by the fact it works fine if u move the selctor to aircon?

Anyone got any ideas?
yer cud be slob, thing is, im needing wiring diagrams as ive mentioned in my other post, dont wana go chasin stuff for a 95' disco when mine be a 92'.

Cant find anyone that confirm that the wiring is the same :(
im wondering if its to do with the orange and black wire thats floating about as i mentioned in my other thread. Just been out in teh dark and checked said wire, its got +5 v on it with the ign in pos 1 or 2... how weird is that!!!!
not very, lots of illecktronicks are 5volts. abs being one and some other stuff aswell
took dash out today and prodded me multimeter into random plugs and sockets that looked like heater stuff, made my head hurt when i realised that voltage was getting to the plug that connects to the blower motor....

.... where there was once a motor there was a rusty looking thing, well the remains of the motor i should say, all covered in crap and dead wasps (i hate wasps) anyway i "attempted" surgery on the air distribution housing ( took the clips off and the thing was so brittle i didnt need to "position the inlet flap correctly")

The whole thing creaked a bit and fell to pieces, seriously, it literally came apart! Got the motor out of the remains of its home, had a good look at it and realised that the motor shaft had worn away its phosphor bronze bush on the rear of the motor resulting in the coil being stuck to one sideof the housing. I WD40'd it and got it turning a few times before it melted (no wonder it was blowing the heater fuse and making the dash dim!!!

The best bit of this story?

The complete air distribution unit i found on ebay with 2 hours left to go, mine for a measly 26 of yer finest english groats!!

So disco is on me drive minus its dash, and looking worried as i showed it some cable ties and tape, i intend to tidy up its guts!!!
Exactly the same on my 93 (Spain spec), motor was stuck on speed 1 moved slowly on 2 and was fine on 3 other than making a sqeaking noise which turned into a clatter as the fan cage started to hit the housing. Also found fresh antifreeze under radio coming from heater matrix, so I was lucky they both 'let go' together. Spain 4x4 breakers 210 euros and he threw in the heater control panel that was cracked on mine.

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