
New Member
Hello All! Help would be very much appreciated on this weird issue.

so my 06 RR was delivered the other day! When I walked out to it, she was sat level and o got no suspension errors on the Dash

BUT!!! When I selected off-road height it came up with extended mode on the dash, followed by suspension lifting slowly.
I took it for a drive and it seemed to drive fine! When I stopped for fuel it wasn’t sitting level, so I reset it and she was good again!
Just before o got home it said air suspension fault so I parked her up and came back next day to see the whole car had dropped.

Reservoir? Sensors? Block?
Help is much appreciated as this is main (among many ) concerns
If you have only just got it and it was from a dealer you could get them to sort it as the fault would have been there all ready
If you have only just got it and it was from a dealer you could get them to sort it as the fault would have been there all ready
It’s an Auction car, I’ve not been ripped of or anything it’s just all part of the fun that auctions bring :D
I think you need diag. Cheapest will be from Storey Wilson. Possibly height sensor(s).

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