Well to be exact its probably not "illegal" if its a picture of a vehicle in China. Its probably not illegal in most of the world, but if you look at the legal requirments in the Webasto manual you will see that it is illegal in Germany and that the relevent reguations apprear to be EU ones which means that they "could" apply in the UK. In Germany where they operate type approval it would also be an offense to install the heater yourself. The UK has (in my view very sensibly) opted out of type approval. But there remain the "contruction and use" regs. When I did my own biofuel conversion I ran into the UK regs regarding the location of the 2nd tank and the fuel pipe routing, my insurers required the installation to be inspected. Its was most definately not permitted to run the fuel line inside the passenger compartment. If I read that photo right then both the tank and fuel line are inside. My worry is not the illigality or otherwise, the law is there to protect people, often from themselves. I used to work with a boss who had been the lead investigator for carbon monoxide deaths in the UK. He impressed on me what a harrowing job it was and how unecessary the deaths were. What affected him the most was that they were usually young and poor and they had ether done the installation themsleves or it had been done illegally by a dodgy landlord. In all cases the savings over doing it safely were minimal.
Well to be exact its probably not "illegal" if its a picture of a vehicle in China. Its probably not illegal in most of the world, but if you look at the legal requirments in the Webasto manual you will see that it is illegal in Germany and that the relevent reguations apprear to be EU ones which means that they "could" apply in the UK. In Germany where they operate type approval it would also be an offense to install the heater yourself. The UK has (in my view very sensibly) opted out of type approval. But there remain the "contruction and use" regs. When I did my own biofuel conversion I ran into the UK regs regarding the location of the 2nd tank and the fuel pipe routing, my insurers required the installation to be inspected. Its was most definately not permitted to run the fuel line inside the passenger compartment. If I read that photo right then both the tank and fuel line are inside. My worry is not the illigality or otherwise, the law is there to protect people, often from themselves. I used to work with a boss who had been the lead investigator for carbon monoxide deaths in the UK. He impressed on me what a harrowing job it was and how unecessary the deaths were. What affected him the most was that they were usually young and poor and they had ether done the installation themsleves or it had been done illegally by a dodgy landlord. In all cases the savings over doing it safely were minimal.

So after all that, it’s not illegal in this country, as we don’t live in Germany and don’t really give a toss about type approval?

Decided to look and see what the installtion instructions are for the Chinese heaters. Very very differernt to the Webasto! Here is a photo from one of the sellers, I don't think this would be legal in the UK and its certainly not safe, fuel and heater next to each other and in the passenger compartment.

The fuel tank aint a problem (apart from potential mess) what is a problem is the exhaust pipe in the cabin before it goes through the floor, they can and do split, I have seen it many times.
Surely if you apply the webby/eber instructions to the the chinese heaters all will be good.
Looks like a brand new vehicle as well?
Talking to a guy yesterday his boat webasto thermo top has packed up, webasto want 2k so he bought the russian planar one for 800 quid instead.
Webasto/Eberspacher must really be hurting right now?

Apparently webasto are now discontinuing their spare parts for the thermotop.
So after all that, it’s not illegal in this country, as we don’t live in Germany and don’t really give a toss about type approval?


Yep, Technicaly not illegal.
However if you look at the picture and at the position of the heater. The long tube is the clean air intake. The heaters hot air out put is directed at the fule tank which looks to be only a few inches away. Also the burner air intake and the hot exhaust enter and exit through the floor below the heater. Just next to the exhaust is the fule pump. The set-up looks quite neat doesn't it. Till you think about what has been placed where and the risk factor associated with it.

Yep, Technicaly not illegal.
However if you look at the picture and at the position of the heater. The long tube is the clean air intake. The heaters hot air out put is directed at the fule tank which looks to be only a few inches away. Also the burner air intake and the hot exhaust enter and exit through the floor below the heater. Just next to the exhaust is the fule pump. The set-up looks quite neat doesn't it. Till you think about what has been placed where and the risk factor associated with it.


I never said it was a good install, just that it’s not “illegal”.

Oh, it’s “fuel”.;)

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