
New Member
Hi folks,
We have a 1990 turbo diesel 1990 pre TDi 200. We are planning a trip to Africa. Some people say this engine was the worst manufactured, others say only the really early turbo diesels 1986/1987 were bad and that the later ones were OK. It runs really well and has done about 123000 miles.
Don't really want the cost of a new engine, also it is kitted out as a camper for overlanding. Any views please on the reliability of this engine.:cool:
don't expect sports car performance out of it, keep the levels correct and treat it nice (especially when it's cold)

look after it and it'll look after you

welcome to LZ
turbo diesel like the earlier engines are prone for bore and ring wear ,cracking head between the valves ,and earlier one splitting piston crowns ,later ones had coated pistons which did seem to help, but one in good nick ,would be okay ,if rebuilt it would or should have had later pistons fitted, if its well serviced and doesnt breath heavy which is a sign of wear ,
I went to Tamanrasset and back in a 2A lwb diesel with sankey trailer. As Jamesmartin says if your engines in good nick you should be ok. take plenty of spares they are like a currency of there own and if you know how to mend Landys you can make a few quid in the camp sites. I saw one guy in the middle of the Sahara hammering his TDI push rods straight on a rock after a broken cam belt, saw him again 2 weeks latter still going ok, so it is handy if you can mattle things up too.
Mines done 241,000 and is still going strong. Look after it and it will look after you. However:eek: If I was going to put an engine through the tortures of an overlanding trip to Africa I would put something younger in. Its not so much the engine type it is its age. A small issue of wear is nothing on a motorway in the UK on rough dusty and often corrugated roads in africa it could a disaster waiting for a place to happen. I have driven over a large part of the middle east in landrovers and broken down hundreds of miles from help is not a good place to be.
Thankyou for your replies and advice on our Turbo diesel and from the welcome from a senior member, it sure is a difficult choice, but if I get a 200TDi to exchange with ours it will probably will be an old engine still, albeit more reliable.

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