New Member
Anyone had any dealings with these people? Got a knock on the door from 'Mark' who'd seen my Landy on drive and wondered if I wanted to sell. All seems a bit suspicious - googled the address on the card he gave me (Esbies Estate) and came up with 'Illegal Traveller Site' as first item. Doesn't mean there aren't legit businesses there tho'. Anyone know? Do I increase my security?
where are you based, i had a card left on mine saying looking for vechicles for export, im over 30miles away from them so thought it a bit far to be placing cards on Landy's
Herts - also about 30 miles away. Told me he was en route to look at another in Letchworth and 'just happened' to see mine as he drove by.
id be making sure for the next few days the car is as secure as possible sounds a bit iffy to me just randomly knocking on your door

you were probably followed home by someone else if it is the pikeys and then he come round a few days later
Report it as suspicious. Seriously - you have nothing to lose from doing so.

The copper next door has told me several times to make the call, and let them decide if it needs investigating or not.

Thanks for the thoughts - my policeman little brother said don't touch it with a bargepole but if you do ask for cash outside a bank and have the notes put through the bank note reader
Bloody hell, I'd never heard of Sawbridgeworth before we moved here and now we are famous (or is that infamous)!

I know a couple of people that export vehicles to Africa, not heard of this lot though, and the one thing they have in common is wanting vehicles for peanuts. They also don't seem to worried about rust because as one of them said "it isn't going to get any worse", On that basis if you have a rotbox to get rid of they may be an option.
2 of us all in the same part of the world.
I always lock up as much as I can, cos you never know when someone will take a liking to it.
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