after all the fun and snappy comments, I'm gonna be boring and state the obvious:-

1 - hi performance air filter with un impeded flow - tdi's like air more than they like diesel and they like diesel a lot.
2 - check your tyre pressures/ balance that can make a hell of a difference even on MT's or AT's.
3 - change the diesel filter regularly, they are dirt cheap and make a difference esp if the fuel you use is of variable quality.
4 - get rid of all the heavy armour, if ya dont need it all it does is add weight, these engines were only 110hp when new by now it'll be a good deal less so give it a fighting chance by removing un-necessary weight.
5 - adust the tappets to the correct sequence that helps - it's in the bloody service schedule and, honestly, how many of us set them up as per spec?

and all you want is economy lift your right foot of the pedal a bit, keep the revs below 2000rpm and while the world will go by you at speed you'll be getting some fuel efficiency.
remember - power costs, we'd all like V8 power but most of us cant handle the fuel bills.
and all you want is economy lift your right foot of the pedal a bit, keep the revs below 2000rpm and while the world will go by you at speed you'll be getting some fuel efficiency.
remember - power costs, we'd all like V8 power but most of us cant handle the fuel bills.
so your saying drive when turbo wasegate is open? (effectively not using the turbo)

while i agree with you on a non turbo engine, i was always under the impression the forced air from the turbo made a hotter burn, with the same amount of fuel being injected.

my disco's as good as a wet fart in a paper bag if i drive before the turbo "kicks in" as everyone says.
The waste gate only opens at max boost, it should be closed until that point is reached.

I have not had to rev her beyond 3000 since I got her.

I get good economy (30mpg) by keeping her at 60 on a run, don't accelerate like it's a normal saloon car and try not to carry a boot full of crap:)
The waste gate only opens at max boost, it should be closed until that point is reached.

I have not had to rev her beyond 3000 since I got her.

I get good economy (30mpg) by keeping her at 60 on a run, don't accelerate like it's a normal saloon car and try not to carry a boot full of crap:)
so whats the definition of turbo lag?
while i agree with you on a non turbo engine, i was always under the impression the forced air from the turbo made a hotter burn, with the same amount of fuel being injected.

When you put yer foot down and boost occurs (turbo kicks in) then more fuel is injected as there is now more air crammed in to help burn it.:)
so i seem to have the wrong impression of turbos as well. (another thread, another thing)

as i understood-
turbo spools all time when engine running.
less than 2000 ish rpm, wastegate is open, diverting little turbo boost into exhaust.
more than 2000 ish rpm, waste gate closes allowing air to be forced into cylinders.

understand when its booted, more fuel will be used, turbo'd or not.
turbo lag as i understood, was the time between putting your foot down, the wastegate closing and the turbo providing the boost. (spooling fast enough as dave said)

guess theres a bit o googling comin up.
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i was always under the impression the forced air from the turbo made a hotter burn, with the same amount of fuel being injected.

When you put yer foot down and boost occurs (turbo kicks in) then more fuel is injected as there is now more air crammed in to help burn it.:)

ok, a drunk mistype, what i meant was burnt more efficiently reletive to amount of fuel injected.
so i seem to have the wrong impression of turbos as well. (another thread, another thing)

as i understood-
turbo spools all time when engine running.
less than 2000 ish rpm, wastegate is open, diverting little turbo boost into exhaust.
more than 2000 ish rpm, waste gate closes allowing air to be forced into cylinders.

guess theres a bit o googling comin up.

Yes its running all the time the engine is, but at low revs - "off boost" it will be doing nothing or very little, as the revs increase, the turbo spins up and manifold pressure increases to to the limit set by the manufacturer, at this point the wastegate opens and diverts the exhaust gasses away from the turbo impellor thus allowing it to slow a bit and balance the manifold pressure at the set boost limit, on some cars you can hear the wastegate operating as a sort of fluttering sound.

Petrol engines with turbos also can have a dump valve fitted, this makes the boy-racer "vroom-pshhh" sound as they lift their foot off the throttle, as the turbo is spinning its nuts off and it has mass, it will continue to spin as the throttle bodies slam shut, instead of blowing all the turbo pipes off the motor, the pressure generated by the turbo as it spools down is diverted to the dump valve in a loud whoosh, again until a balnced state is reached. Diesels generally dont have throttles so they cant have a dump valve, they will take all the air you can throw at them.

Technical aspects aside, turbos are very simple devices, more exhaust velocity = more boost pressure = more fuel = more power.

Fit an LPG system to it. It gives a boost in power as it helps the diesel burn more efficiently, used wisely (driving the same speed as before the LPG) this should give better mpg.
The 2 most important things for good mpg are a well maintained engine and a relaxed, non aggressive driving style.
At the moment my 110CSW 300TDi is returning 32mpg (33.5mpg when I drove up Aberdeen)
I am in the process of fitting an LPG kit to mine, I will be starting a new thread showing the progress and any results that I get.
Fit an LPG system to it. It gives a boost in power as it helps the diesel burn more efficiently, used wisely (driving the same speed as before the LPG) this should give better mpg.
The 2 most important things for good mpg are a well maintained engine and a relaxed, non aggressive driving style.
At the moment my 110CSW 300TDi is returning 32mpg (33.5mpg when I drove up Aberdeen)
I am in the process of fitting an LPG kit to mine, I will be starting a new thread showing the progress and any results that I get.

I was always of the understanding that Diesel's couldn't be converted to LPG.
I've read the following LINK and it sounds possible, but the benefits don't seem to warrant the expense or time.
Yes its running all the time the engine is, but at low revs - "off boost" it will be doing nothing or very little, as the revs increase, the turbo spins up and manifold pressure increases to to the limit set by the manufacturer, at this point the wastegate opens and diverts the exhaust gasses away from the turbo impellor thus allowing it to slow a bit and balance the manifold pressure at the set boost limit, on some cars you can hear the wastegate operating as a sort of fluttering sound.

Petrol engines with turbos also can have a dump valve fitted, this makes the boy-racer "vroom-pshhh" sound as they lift their foot off the throttle, as the turbo is spinning its nuts off and it has mass, it will continue to spin as the throttle bodies slam shut, instead of blowing all the turbo pipes off the motor, the pressure generated by the turbo as it spools down is diverted to the dump valve in a loud whoosh, again until a balnced state is reached. Diesels generally dont have throttles so they cant have a dump valve, they will take all the air you can throw at them.

Technical aspects aside, turbos are very simple devices, more exhaust velocity = more boost pressure = more fuel = more power.

cheers for the time on that one dave!
i got the wastegate on the wrong side of things, and never thought about getting rid of the pressure.
so when people say "i need to increase me turbo boost" is this the max boost pressure (summat near 15psi?) or the the engine rpm the turbo actually starts to provide boost?
cheers for the time on that one dave!
i got the wastegate on the wrong side of things, and never thought about getting rid of the pressure.
so when people say "i need to increase me turbo boost" is this the max boost pressure (summat near 15psi?) or the the engine rpm the turbo actually starts to provide boost?

No worries,

basically yes and yes is the answer, to increase the boost you would shorten the wastegate rod a little, this will make it open later or at a hiigher rpm, AFIK you cant alter the kick-in point as its created by the dynamics of the system - rotor / impellor size etc, all you can do is make it hold on for longer.

On a D1 300tdi, the wastegate should open between 11.012 and 11.988 psi most of the time 12psi will do it.

I was always of the understanding that Diesel's couldn't be converted to LPG.
I've read the following LINK and it sounds possible, but the benefits don't seem to warrant the expense or time.

I have looked into the benefits and also the disadvantages of using LPG and diesel, I am installing a kit from Tinley Tech not only for an increase in my mpg but also to kick less crap out of the back.
As stated before I will start a thread when I do the install and include some milage figures against cost.
I read the link and tend to agree with it but I think that they assume that the performance boost is used for extra speed, surely if you go the same speed as normal but use a smaller throttle opening you will save fuel without detriment to the engine?

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