I have a nut leftover

Active Member
Got back from a short break in the Corwen area a couple of days back.
Did the wayfarer allbeit by accident, thought it looked like a decent route on the map, got to the summit and recognised the memorial thingy and the metal tin containing a fetid mars bar, a tin of coke and some note pads. Unfortunately it was already getting dark when we set off from the campsite, so it was pitch black when we reached the top.
Needless to say, the following day I was itching to do it again in the daylight, (Purely to admire the views missed the previous night you understand).
Also stumbled upon the Corwen carwash, we didn't attempt it 'cause the river was up to the top of the first fence stump on the field side. I had watched videos of people driving through and the water level looked too high to tackle, even with a snorkle. Shame, the kids were looking forward to that bit.
I pretended I was going to go for it though, which resulted in the gaffer, (wife), leaping out of the Disco' as the front wheels entered the water, (I never had her down as a husband beater but the bruises are healing quickly).

Had a great time, can't wait to go back and give it a go.

Not sure where abouts Corwen is... but it seems like I should take the kids for a weekend thereabouts. What standard of lanes are we talking about? I've still got road tyres on.


i did the wayfarer and thought it was crap...

i will admit it was the end of the day and we had laned it up from cadair idris, so all i wanted to do was set up camp and sleep.

did the carwash next day, it looked farily low but thought we would give it a go as its something ive wanted to do for a long time now. didnt realise it got deeper at the field end! glad i went the way i did, dont fancy the drop in from the field. it was around bonnet height when i did it and the flow was minimal. just as well my DSLR was in a peli case ;) very enjoyable.

what do the people in the farm house by the field think?

forget the wayfarer, cant beat strata florida :D

i did the wayfarer and thought it was crap...

i will admit it was the end of the day and we had laned it up from cadair idris, so all i wanted to do was set up camp and sleep.

did the carwash next day, it looked farily low but thought we would give it a go as its something ive wanted to do for a long time now. didnt realise it got deeper at the field end! glad i went the way i did, dont fancy the drop in from the field. it was around bonnet height when i did it and the flow was minimal. just as well my DSLR was in a peli case ;) very enjoyable.

what do the people in the farm house by the field think?

forget the wayfarer, cant beat strata florida :D


Sorry to hear you were disapointed with the wayfarer, for many its a nice long lane with senic views, quite a few of us do it on our own and its more the peace and quiet some of us go for. As for the Ford, well its often a puzzle to us sometimes its deep other times a puddle, thats why it some of us respect it, its know for catching those unaware out as the current varies as well. meet the farmer on the field side once he's more concerned with people who leave the track.

Strata F, fully agree its a cracking lane
yer i will admit, it was hella quiet up there. sun was setting, very scenic... but i just wanted to get to Llangollen, get the roof tent up and cook some food! :D

i was very cautious about the flow at Corwen, but like i said it was pretty slow when we did it. have seen videos on youtube with it flowing really fast. wont get me in there if its like that :(

yer i will admit, it was hella quiet up there. sun was setting, very scenic... but i just wanted to get to Llangollen, get the roof tent up and cook some food! :D

i was very cautious about the flow at Corwen, but like i said it was pretty slow when we did it. have seen videos on youtube with it flowing really fast. wont get me in there if its like that :(


Yer dint drop me fooking jackall orf did yer, :mad: :mad: :p
na i didnt cos we heading straight back south the next day. we were allready pretty loaded with stuff for 8days solo camping/laning and yella is too far north.

Should we really go handing out OS coordinates and details of lanes on the forum,?especially to people we do not know?

No offence mr/mrs muzz90, you might be the best driver in the world but we dont know that. And the state of some of the well used welsh lanes just proves that some people are after flinging mud on some of the best lanes in the country.
Sometimes, as the lane in question is a very well know lane. If he did a google search for the location he would find it. At least now he can fine the start, he now just needs to find the end.

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