
New Member
Good day all....

I was meant to be doing the above lanes tomorrow with a mate but he's let me down and I really wanted to get out. So is anybody doing or fancy doing a few tomorrow?

Cheers all, Nick.
Not on face book mate. Where u planning on going? Room for a tag along. I've done them all before with just the one lanny but with the weather and rain don't fancy chancing it.
hahaha bumped into you lot this evening as me and another were walking back up from having a look at some steps ..sorry we were blocking your entry down the lane .. ooops we gave it a miss as that last step seemed a touch too high for my disco ... ohh and it was my 1st time out laning .
Next time once ive got bigger black round bits on then I will give it a go ;-)
you all seemed a friendly bunch tho passing us as me and my mate were hanging off the hedge :D
hahaha bumped into you lot this evening as me and another were walking back up from having a look at some steps ..sorry we were blocking your entry down the lane .. ooops we gave it a miss as that last step seemed a touch too high for my disco ... ohh and it was my 1st time out laning .
Next time once ive got bigger black round bits on then I will give it a go ;-)
you all seemed a friendly bunch tho passing us as me and my mate were hanging off the hedge :D

Did the steps couple weeks ago with standardish disco on AT's. No clearance issues.
maybe so but wed been laning all day , it was dark , quite a way from home , 1st time ever laning so didn't want to break my motor by just going for it .. if it was earlier in the day then maybe but my car now lives to play another day ;-)
maybe so but wed been laning all day , it was dark , quite a way from home , 1st time ever laning so didn't want to break my motor by just going for it .. if it was earlier in the day then maybe but my car now lives to play another day ;-)

Hahaha, caution is the better part of valour - good call.

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