
New Member
Started to clean the bottom of my Disco today so that I could Waxoyle it. What a t*at of a job!!!

4 hours of chipping, scraping and wire brushing starting at the rear. Only made it past the diff!!!!! Used one tin (2.5 litres) to coat that area so that means I am going to need at least another 5 litres to finish the rest of the underneath and inside the chassis!! to take off the interior panels and the insides of the doors etc.

What a dirty tiring job.

Still. If it stops the **** from sticking and stops the rot forming then it should be worth it.

Hope the rain stays away so I can do the front half tomorrow.
There's a place close to me that does a steam clean and wax oil for £75... Roy had his done a couple of weeks ago.
hi matey .
waxoiled my landy a couple of month,s ago and been off roading up a quarey a few times in mud water , and stills looks ace , jet washed it clean each time i,ve used it , and its sound stuff , if you use thge big 5 lite cans , from helfords and you can get a spray that is not pressureized for these cans , just warm the can up in a bucket of hot water for half an hour , toppin up after twenty mins with boiling water , keep top on can then put your landy on ramps , screw spray on and spray away it works great . but wear paper overalls and a mask and eye protectors as its like a fine dust spray seem,s to be floating around as you are spraying . cheers chris baddeley . have fun
Nice one Chris.

Hope all the work has been woth while.

Finished it off underneath today.

Next job is to start removing door panels etc. to spray in there.

Wish the rain would f*ck off tho. :(
hi fitz,

glad you finnished it ,
did my window guides , i took me door off and did in the house on the table , ended up in stiping the door , glass out new guides in , nice job , as usual took ages but better now , have fun with your doors , cheers matey , chris

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