I used to use old engine oil on all my cars in the past.its a good rust preventer if a little messy to apply.Its good but not as good as waxoil but cheaper.If you leave for a day no drips.
Waxoil anytime - using old oil is IMO abolutely stupid - an enourmous environmental hazard - Not that Waxoil does anything good to our blue planet - but at least it¨s been approved for this exact usage...
I recently applied my old engine oil to the chassis of my defender. Yes it will make a mess if you don't put some tarpaline down to protect where you are doing it. I find that it dripped for a couple of hours after i had applied it but it doesn't drip now and you can see the water droplets sitting ontop of the oil so its obviously working.
Waxoil anytime - using old oil is IMO abolutely stupid - an enormous environmental hazard - Not that Waxoil does anything good to our blue planet - but at least it¨s been approved for this exact usage...

I think you are over-stating this to be honest. We are not talking Exxon Valdez are we?

For this to be any kind of environmental hazard it has to be able to enter the environment. Well I can pretty-much guarantee to you then when I use old diff and tranny box oils(EP90) there is no dripping at all. I apply it with a brush and watch carefully how much I put on to ensure no drips. It semi dries quickly and NEVER leaves drip wherever I park, irrespective of the weather.

And to all bike riders (i'm one also), this practice does not offer any added threat to our security otherwise I would not do it. The amount of diesel on the roads is a million times greater threat than anything I could produce by protecting my chassis.

Seriously mate, you need to see this in the bigger picture.
Scrape off the chassis then spray with underseal I pump old oil into the chassis larup old oil and grease every where, waxoyl under bonet..oh tarpaulin down first...drips for a couple of hours...does the job..:). All excess oil drips into the Potholes :)
Before any iffy comments, this is a straight up question: if you are using a brush anyway why not paint it with a straight to rust paint?

Is it just the cost or is there another reason?
I don't believe it is possible to get the chassis clean enough for any paint or underseal type stuff to adhere fully, and if paint or underseal is not fully and completely stuck on water gets behind and is trapped against the steel. This causes more corrosion than if there had been no coating at all.
I use a grease/clean oil mixture, which soon stops any drips, and will stick even if there is any rust or dirt left on. I don't use dirty oil because it contains acid and is nasty stuff to get on the skin. Done every couple of years it prevents any corrosion.
Hi folks a guy told me today that he uses old engine oil to protect the underside of his disco. Someone told him about this years ago, and he swears blind it's better, cheaper and lasts longer than waxoil. Any of you used this method & what do you think?

Old motor oil does contain contaminants, some of which can actually damage metal.

I would use some cheap NEW oil, or mix the waxoyle with diesel.
underseal with waxoil and freshen up with paraffin or wax oil/anchor wax as used oil makes a hell of a mess or
oil and paraffin if you must

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