
Active Member
Hi folks a guy told me today that he uses old engine oil to protect the underside of his disco. Someone told him about this years ago, and he swears blind it's better, cheaper and lasts longer than waxoil. Any of you used this method & what do you think?
I use old diff and transfer box oil on the underneath of my cars and find it stops dripping after a couple of hours and then stays pretty dry.
I have heard of people doing this, but it must be really messy and apart from the Motor Bike hazzard can you imagine the mess left on your drive.
Engine oil works very well and is free.
If you want to spend some money then I steam clean in the summer and drive it for a few days until dry and then spray 5 litres of maintenance spray to wet and penetrate every nook and crannie.
Then spray waxoil mixed with bitumous paint on top.
This will make a professional job for a very reasonable price.
The less bitumous paint the less resistant it will be to being worn away.
I buy a 5 litre can of both and mix giving 10 litres.
Don't forget the 5 litres of maintenance spray first.
I use gear and rope grease made or supplied by ambersil it can be bought in aerosol form and is very thin out of the can but once the thinners have evaporated of you are left with a very robust covering of thick grease which last for ages just top up now and then on dry days

I guess its cos all the nasties have been removed from Waxoil that mean its now cr-p compared to what it used to be.I used quite a bit during last summer on my own and customers cars.Cant say I'm impressed at how much has just fallen off.:mad:
just to get my 2 cents in there, please, please don't use old oil...

as a classic motorcyclist, there are enough hazards out there already - other vehicles, wet manhole covers, potholes, mud on the road etc... old oil is just adding to them!

To fall off what used to be my Grandad's pride n' joy, damage or destroy it and possibly hurt myself would be truly awful!

......unless the engine oil really is in a state in which it cannot fall off, even on a soaking wet day with water flinging up off the wheels, of course!!
just to get my 2 cents in there, please, please don't use old oil...

as a classic motorcyclist, there are enough hazards out there already - other vehicles, wet manhole covers, potholes, mud on the road etc... old oil is just adding to them!

To fall off what used to be my Grandad's pride n' joy, damage or destroy it and possibly hurt myself would be truly awful!

......unless the engine oil really is in a state in which it cannot fall off, even on a soaking wet day with water flinging up off the wheels, of course!!
So what was yer grandads pride and joy ?
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My grandad's pride n' joy, which is now my pride n' joy, is a 1966 Matchless G3. It's a 350cc single cylinder 4 stroke motorcycle with roughly 26 hp, 39ft-lb torque and a motorway cruising speed of 50mph roughly. It'll go up to 60mph, but I don't do that often. It's not good for it!

See here: Motorcycle | Richard Hobbs
And here: 1966 Matchless G3 - History and Restoration of a Classic Motorcycle

Good stuff,mine was a 1940 G3,on girders stiil in wd trim,at 45mph in top gear I could count the individual sucks from the carb..... And I could also count from pulling away in first - 45 bangs to get it to top gear !
Wish I hadnt sold it.:(

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