over the last 30 yrs i have had series 2 2a and 3s and classic RR they wernt classic then! and now on 2nd Disco always used to get thumbs up except farmers now no one bothers i see 90 drivers looking for the snorkle ect. aint got one so no wave
i get some waves seems to 5 same filk reguularly all wiv series part from one whos got a 110 all modied up

must be cos ahm always covered in mud from the site
No waves, but do get convoys on motorways. But that even used to happen with SD1s - must be a rover thing. Always flick your rear wiper when you leave the convoy.

They're all mad, mad I tell'ee......
Never heard or seen that before!! Me rear wiper dont work!
Don't want you in my convoy then! Suppose you could flash your bum or something instead.
Sometimes you can while away the hours doing little overtaking manoeuvres with meaningful sideways stares. Don't try this with lady drivers by the way. They get frightened.

This whole waving thing is a bit wierd. I used to have a blue transit and people used to wave to me all the time. I can only think it was because a hell of a lot of people know someone with a blue tranny and they all thought it was him. I used to drive around thinking "who the **** was that"! Now if someone waves to me in me disco I think the same.
I always wave.. a bit of a side effect of having been in car clubs for so long... I very rarely get waves back.. especially when I wave at a car I don't even own any more let alone the one I'm in...
us freelander owners have our own secret wave as another freelander goes past. it means "i'm okay, just waiting for the tow truck, it's not raining so my doors probably won't fall off"
more worried about getting arrested (the fuzz have a chip on their shoulder and always think any kind of gesture is aimed at them, even if you haven't seen em!) - but yeah, yer right - there's some reet scarey lady GL drivers worri wouldn't wanna get on the wrong side of!
snigger - I flashed at a depender I saw coming my way with what looked like a light bar on the top.

Well it was a light bar. Fecking blues :eek:

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