
New Member
have got a bit of a problem with the disco. the water in the header tank keep bubbling over. have been told that the head gasket has been replaced a bit ago so not sure why its doing this unless its just air. but then where's the air coming from. any advise would be great.
have checked the oil filler cap and its clear and so is the water. not got a clue and just hope someone has.
when yer say "bublin over" d;yer mean its boilin ??
look at the tank when its cold is there still bubbles?
dose it only show when you rev the enjin?
issit lossin water??
hi ya could be an air lock!
try replacing the thermostat about £5 or less,
bleed the system completly and go from there.

if its not boiling over and just bubling could be air lock caused by faulty thermostat.
had similar with my 300tdi disco, replaced thermostat bleed system and no problems since.

you could always get a preasure test done to check the head gasket, but would try simple things first.

keep us informed as to how your getting on
is it not a pressureised (scuze the spelling) system on the diesel enjun?
my brother in law fooked his head up on his disco coz the filler cap didn't seal properly, cost him a new head, about 600 quid it cost him.
an he still had to pay a tenner for the filler cap that caused it in the first place.
if it's coming out under pressure it must be faulty:eek:
my advice is change your filler cap.
hope that helps
hi, cheers for the advise, as yet ive not had chance to look at it as its been abit mad trying to sell my series landy but will be having a look this weekend so as soon as i have i will let you know how i get on,

hi ya could be an air lock!
try replacing the thermostat about £5 or less,
bleed the system completly and go from there.

if its not boiling over and just bubling could be air lock caused by faulty thermostat.
had similar with my 300tdi disco, replaced thermostat bleed system and no problems since.

you could always get a preasure test done to check the head gasket, but would try simple things first.

keep us informed as to how your getting on

Hi Askey79, the two most obvious reasons for your problem are blown head gasket and/or air locked in the system.

Do you know how to bleed the cooling system?
is it not a pressureised (scuze the spelling) system on the diesel enjun?
if it's coming out under pressure it must be faulty:eek:
my advice is change your filler cap.
hope that helps

bollocks, most if not all cooling systems are pressurised, so it dunt matter if its doosul or not.

the cap is design to release pressure once it get beyond a preset pressure. so before you start swapping stuff, test it first. it may be the seal has gone or that the pressure relief valve is stuffed.

you can have the cap tested then either get a comp test done on the engne, or a leak down test, which is preferable for a doosul.

i suspect its yer HG but without checkin yer can't be sure
hi not really sure how to do it, have been and brought a new cap today, have put this on and it dont seem to be leaking now but think there could be air in the system,
if you could tell me how to bleed it that would be great,
hi not really sure how to do it, have been and brought a new cap today, have put this on and it dont seem to be leaking now but think there could be air in the system,
if you could tell me how to bleed it that would be great,

Hi askey79, what symptoms lead you to believe there is air in the system?
well the cap is leaking and its a new one, just hoping its air, have been told its not the head gasket beacause the heaters are still working and getting warm, dont know how true this is but there is no oil in the water or water in the oil, i was told the gasket had been done just before i brought it but dont know how true this is. it came with a load of anti freeze in a tub and said that this had been done at the same time.
bollocks, most if not all cooling systems are pressurised, so it dunt matter if its doosul or not.

the cap is design to release pressure once it get beyond a preset pressure. so before you start swapping stuff, test it first. it may be the seal has gone or that the pressure relief valve is stuffed.

you can have the cap tested then either get a comp test done on the engne, or a leak down test, which is preferable for a doosul.

i suspect its yer HG but without checkin yer can't be sure

stop bein so nasty, ya old git,
i'm only tryin to give my input, even if it din't help that much,
we all know a little bit, an it might be the little bit we do know that helps some one else.
so there!

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