
Active Member
May I please ask for a little advice for my sister-in-law in the Dordogne region of France. Her early 300TDI boiled a couple of days ago on the way to town. She called the local breakdown company who only filled the rad up and told her it was 'okay' to drive, the rad was empty by the way. It boiled again on the way home when it was left on the side of the road and then towed to her place. On looking water is pouring out of the back of the pump as fast as it's going in.

So question please. Would either or both the gaskets if they have failed on the pump allow that amount of water to flow out, or is there something else in that area that could cause it ? What then is the minimum needed for her to get just to get it running again bearing in mind that it has to run to see what else has cooked like head or pistons.

I can't get down to her at the moment but don't want to see the local garage rip her off again. Since her husband became ill and has now died it seems like taking the p*** out of her is the new local pass time. Oh, the car had only done a few k since a service !

Thanks in advance for any help you can possibly offer her and me.

Can't offer any advice - but I can offer a transport service so to speak on smaller bits.

I'll be out in France during August - we have a place in the Vienne, so if you need any smallish bits I'd be more than happy to chuck them on the back and get them into France for you.

We won't be getting down towards the Dordogne this year but I'm sure that postage/courierwould be fairly cheaply arranged or you could meet us somewhere??
Can't offer any advice - but I can offer a transport service so to speak on smaller bits.

I'll be out in France during August - we have a place in the Vienne, so if you need any smallish bits I'd be more than happy to chuck them on the back and get them into France for you.

We won't be getting down towards the Dordogne this year but I'm sure that postage/courierwould be fairly cheaply arranged or you could meet us somewhere??

Thank you for your very kind offer, but I can get the bits needed from the UK without trouble. I get everything for my Disco by post. But it's what bits I need to buy so that a friend down there could try to get it running again to see how far or what the damage is. She has been ripped off too many times to trust the garages now...., "You need this, that and the other before we etc". Last time it was a chain saw, a bit low on power when it went in. But went to collect and was told it will not start now and it's going to cost €X00 for this that and the other. They had screwed the carb jets in fully so it wouldn't start at all. All it needed was a new plug and the s*** cleaning out of off the clutch, perfect.....

But I really hope you enjoy your holiday !

First thing I'd suggest is top it back up with cheap coolant so that at least when you do run it to investigate at least some protection is happening.

Could be the gaskets or could be the pump itself. Either way it might be worth replacing the whole lot if you're that way inclined. Water pump and gaskets can be had for about £30 all told. Might even be a dicky thermostat.

Following PDF should be of great help - section 26, about page 347 out of 873 when first opened. The cooling section.
I would change the lot to be on the safe side. The impellers can give up the ghost.Don't forget the p gasket if your changing the lot Andtry not to buy britpart.
If the parts places you use are a bit spicy priced...

I work 'round the corner' from Foundry 4x4 and am regularly in the area of Bearmach HQ.

Postage will be at cost, I'll even supply the packaging - as I have what seems to be - a never ending supply of packaging materials.
I'd be inclined to replace water pump and gaskets as well as the thermostat for what it costs just for peace of mind! As above. Avoid ****part!
I agree, just replace the whole lot, easy job,and cheap. also try and do the 'p' gasket while your there too, bit more fiddly but relativley straight forward.
Thank you all again for advice given. Just talked to my sister. The car had a new timing belt fitted earlier this year and from a friend of hers looking at the problems seems the water pump bolts were not tight, not sure how that fits in with a timing belt change but then don't really understand why a 300TDI timing belt was classed as a "VERY difficult job" But they told her that they had to remove the engine to do the belt and charged her over €600.00 for the work. So now waiting to see what the garage say about the slack bolts before anything else is done to the car or what condition it's now in.

The garage sound like a right bunch of hoohaas!

According to the manual I linked to yesterday which is THE manual - timing belt can be done with the engine where it is - no mention of removing the engine.

I think they are, what we in Wales call 'pulling a flanker' unless they'd never done one before and wanted to price themselves out of the job so to speak!
French garages !!! worse bull****ters than main stealers here in UK. They think you know nothing about land rovers and treat you as a total idiot and if you cant speak the lingo you get stuffed big time.
I have to disagree. Once had main vw agent service our passat in france one holiday. 150 euro when cardiff vw wanted 290 quid for same service. He also bumped some other stuff to fit us in. Not all of em are twunts.

Not tried the same trick with the landy, but that said I'm taking a shedload of spares with me in august including a set of props and 4 spare wheels/tyres. It'll look like I'm overlanding when we are over for just 2 weeks!:jaw:
May I please ask for a little advice for my sister-in-law in the Dordogne region of France. Her early 300TDI boiled a couple of days ago on the way to town. She called the local breakdown company who only filled the rad up and told her it was 'okay' to drive, the rad was empty by the way. It boiled again on the way home when it was left on the side of the road and then towed to her place. On looking water is pouring out of the back of the pump as fast as it's going in.

So question please. Would either or both the gaskets if they have failed on the pump allow that amount of water to flow out, or is there something else in that area that could cause it ? What then is the minimum needed for her to get just to get it running again bearing in mind that it has to run to see what else has cooked like head or pistons.

I can't get down to her at the moment but don't want to see the local garage rip her off again. Since her husband became ill and has now died it seems like taking the p*** out of her is the new local pass time. Oh, the car had only done a few k since a service !

Thanks in advance for any help you can possibly offer her and me.


Hi Graham,

1. The TDi 300 cambelt is an easy job with the engine in place, it's easier still if you remove the rad.

2. I order my stuff (I'm in the Limousin) from Paddocks and if I were you I would get a new water pump plus gasket and a 'P' gasket.

3. If you don't already know, slacken the 3 water pump pulley bolts BEFORE removing the fan belt - life is easier that way. NB. When removing/replacing the water pump be careful about where the different length bolts go !!! Also when re-installing the bolts, apply a little copper grease on the threads to prevent seizing.
French garages !!! worse bull****ters than main stealers here in UK. They think you know nothing about land rovers and treat you as a total idiot and if you cant speak the lingo you get stuffed big time.

I reckon that's a bit harsh, can you speak French properly? Would you complain if Polish/Czech/Romanians etc couldn't speak English in England?
Hi Graham,

1. The TDi 300 cambelt is an easy job with the engine in place, it's easier still if you remove the rad.

2. I order my stuff (I'm in the Limousin) from Paddocks and if I were you I would get a new water pump plus gasket and a 'P' gasket.

3. If you don't already know, slacken the 3 water pump pulley bolts BEFORE removing the fan belt - life is easier that way. NB. When removing/replacing the water pump be careful about where the different length bolts go !!! Also when re-installing the bolts, apply a little copper grease on the threads to prevent seizing.

Thanks Dave. I've had a long talk to the guy who's fitting the pump for my sister. Think he's okay about it, not a dummy thankfully. So all should be okay.....I hope.

Yes, just ordered the bits from Paddocks this morning for them to be sent down to the Dordogne. I use them for everything I need for my own car, not sure if we live near each other. I'm 10k or so outside of Boussac 23600 and needing anything fast round here is worth ordering from the UK. I mean it took 2 days to get an air filter for my wifes 106 from Peugeot in Boussac :rolleyes: and seems like Paddocks can get things here in three days....

French garages !!! worse bull****ters than main stealers here in UK. They think you know nothing about land rovers and treat you as a total idiot and if you cant speak the lingo you get stuffed big time.


Not had too many problems here with garages apart from getting parts.

But certainly not my sisters fault in her ability to speak French. She and her late husband were the first English people in their area 25 years ago and she speaks fulent French. Just a case of "A Woman Alone"....

'Rip Off et Cie' are alive and well and living in Gourdon 24.....

Thanks Dave. I've had a long talk to the guy who's fitting the pump for my sister. Think he's okay about it, not a dummy thankfully. So all should be okay.....I hope.

Yes, just ordered the bits from Paddocks this morning for them to be sent down to the Dordogne. I use them for everything I need for my own car, not sure if we live near each other. I'm 10k or so outside of Boussac 23600 and needing anything fast round here is worth ordering from the UK. I mean it took 2 days to get an air filter for my wifes 106 from Peugeot in Boussac :rolleyes: and seems like Paddocks can get things here in three days....


Hi Graham, I'm 22kms west of Boussac so know it well.

If you fancy a get-together just pm me. I'm not available next week as I'll be in England picking my new-to-me Jaaaaaaaaag !!!

Not excited - not much !!!!!


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