chris freestone

Active Member
Hi im currently trying to ready my 90 for wading and im havin trouble finding a fuel filler cap thats not vented ie wont let water in.... Can anyone pint me in the wrighrt direction?

Cheers chris
Surely you need a vent or it will cause a vacuum in the tank and stop you getting fuel? Have come across this in my job and seen a plastic tank sucked in and stopping fuel flow.
Surely you need a vent or it will cause a vacuum in the tank and stop you getting fuel? Have come across this in my job and seen a plastic tank sucked in and stopping fuel flow.

There's no reason why you couldn't make something similar to your axle breathers.

I agree though, it's a common problem on small boat engines when people forget to open the breather once they connect the tank.
Yeah thats right it would, but ive taken an extended breather pipe from the tank up into my snorkel to prevent this..... Just need to prevemt water entering in theough the filler as its so.low on the body
There must be a common solution to this pronlem as sooo many people take their landys swimming... I know from experience that my fuel cap is defenetly not evem close to watertight!!!
I've never had any problems with mine and I've had a waterproof cap fitted for about a year :confused: certainly hasn't caused a vacuum
so where is the air coming from to replace the fuel used? ;)

No idea but as I said I've never had any problems. Mines is the same cap that the army use on waterproofed landys but as far as I am aware is just a bog standard waterproof cap
No idea but as I said I've never had any problems. Mines is the same cap that the army use on waterproofed landys but as far as I am aware is just a bog standard waterproof cap

Perhaps the breather pipes aren't air tight.

Either way, air HAS to get in somehow
Perhaps the breather pipes aren't air tight.

Either way, air HAS to get in somehow

Possibly. I didn't put that fuel cap on with the intent to go wading, it just so happened that I lost my original locking cap and that's what we had lying about work
on mine its a bypass pipe that runs parallel with the filler spout, and enter the tank just above it, the cap not fully sealing then allows it to breath.

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