
New Member
Now i no that when the rain comes down water leaks through the tops of the doors on any defender (or mine anyway), is there any way of stopping this or at least slowing it down??

((water undrneath the floor matts does my fookin head in))
Tek the floor mats out then. Try new door seals dunno how long they stay watertight though.
hi, i had the same problem with my doors, i put some draught sealing foam around the edge of the door and it filled any small gaps and it stop the water from coming in. i hope this helps
Make sure your doors are fitted properly first! They do vary quite a bit, its also worth checking your door hinges aren't badly worn causing the doors to drop!
On my 90 the water was coming in where the roof meets the window.

The rubber seal between the two started to develop gaps and was letting water through and onto the headlining where it stayed until i went round a corner.

I sealed it with some clear sealant, it doesn't look that pretty but i'm a lot dryer.

Next time it leaks look where the water is coming from.

Does it look like it's coming from above the door between headlining and body, if so it could be coming down from the headlining.

If the door was poorly fitted it would come past the seal and over the top the door and not from above it.

If there was a poor seal where the seal meets the body you would get a small amount coming through fairly consistently when it rains as opposed to what i had when nothing would come through for a while until i went round a bend and got a bit of a waterfall.
On my 90 the water was coming in where the roof meets the window.

The rubber seal between the two started to develop gaps and was letting water through and onto the headlining where it stayed until i went round a corner.

I sealed it with some clear sealant, it doesn't look that pretty but i'm a lot dryer.

Next time it leaks look where the water is coming from.

Does it look like it's coming from above the door between headlining and body, if so it could be coming down from the headlining.

If the door was poorly fitted it would come past the seal and over the top the door and not from above it.

If there was a poor seal where the seal meets the body you would get a small amount coming through fairly consistently when it rains as opposed to what i had when nothing would come through for a while until i went round a bend and got a bit of a waterfall.

im gettin both the problems you describe,
just looked through the history it had new door skins not so long back. this may be the problem.......
gonna have to look in to it, its annoying when you do go round a corner and get a water fall or when you get a constant drip.
(((god dam rain!)))
im gettin both the problems you describe,
just looked through the history it had new door skins not so long back. this may be the problem.......
gonna have to look in to it, its annoying when you do go round a corner and get a water fall or when you get a constant drip.
(((god dam rain!)))

Nightmare, i had the same problem as pussyeater and fixed it the same way.

What u could do is get the whole landie sprayed with silicon sealer then just cut holes out for the doors and bonnet.
hey, u buy a landy, u get water cooling in tha no extra cost :D wot i did, and it worked pretty well, was i bought new door seals, cut the seal open at the top left and right corners on the join where the angle changes, and pulled out the factory foam filler then put in me own higher density filler [u can buy it by the meter], but, unlike the factory wun, mine go way down to below window level. they a mission to get in, but a little dishwashing liquid helps. then just reseal where ya made the slit. works fine. no more drip, drip, drip on yer throttle foot.
Might be the seams on yer roof!!! Mines ALWAYS leaked before ah rubbed it down for paintin', filled all the seams so the roof is totally smooth, and guess wot..... no more leaks:D

Not sayin' that's what's wrong, but it worked for me;) :D
I poked a few small holes in my door seals and pumped a little silicone sealer in and that seemed to stop the leaks quite nicely. It was also a free fix as I got the silicone from my work.

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