
New Member

Just been sorting out the Freelander ready for holiday tomorrow and noticed water patches on the drive as I had been moving it about. On inspection it is leaking from what looks like a breather hose.

My questions are, what is it a breather hose for? Should it be leaking from there (been running for around 15mins). How to fix it/ is it safe to go on holiday?

I have posted a photo of it here ( It is at the back of the engine bay infront of the passenger footwell.

Please help

Thank you

If that pipe has a kind of flattened/squeezed together end it's the outlet of the aircon condensation. It comes out of the "wall" the other side of the bottom of the aircon box, it's floffy rubber and you can easily squeeze it so that the end is opened. (And the aircon is automatically put in action when the selector knob is at a certain position).
yeah, that description sounds right for the pipe.

So should I worry that it is leaking? Should it only leak when air con has been on?

Sorry for the questions but going away with the wife and our 18 month old son so you can imagine the ear ache I'll get it if it breaks down!

Right, been having play. It stops dripping when air con is switched on and drips quite a bit when switched off. Should I be concerned? What would cause this more than usual?

Right, been having play. It stops dripping when air con is switched on and drips quite a bit when switched off. Should I be concerned? What would cause this more than usual?


Burn it

But before ya do Try doing A SEARCH FFS!!! :mad:
Thanks Goonarmy and Willo for your sensible answers! :)

Ignoring idiots since 1964................ redhand. I see sarcasm is good :p
The more humidity (damp) in the air the more it drips, also the temperature of the aircon tubes can play a role in the amount of condensationwater that comes out. It's no cooling water of the car as such so it's harmless.
If that pipe has a kind of flattened/squeezed together end it's the outlet of the aircon condensation. It comes out of the "wall" the other side of the bottom of the aircon box, it's floffy rubber and you can easily squeeze it so that the end is opened. (And the aircon is automatically put in action when the selector knob is at a certain position).
The aircon operates automatically when control set to windscreen only. Water drains when aircon defrosts just like your fridge/freezer (fridge/freezers usually drain to water chamber on top of compressor so water evaporates so no leaks visible)
Depending the year of the car the aircon is activated automatically on certain positions of the selector.

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