
Well-Known Member
My p38 over the last year has suffered from water in the bootwell. I changed the boot seal but it still leaked. Had a good look today and discovered that the water was coming from the join of the sunroof rear drain pipes near the rear drivers side seatbelt mechanism. The two pipes had come apart. I took off the trim and jammed a piece of pipe from the end of the one tube into the other. The water was running down inside the trim and entering the boot well immediately behind the rear seat.

Hope this fixes it.

Yeah, took out my spare wheel at the weekend and found a few inches of water in the wheel well. Can't tell if it was from the extensive underside powerwashing I gave it the previous weekend or a leak from above. It never happenedd before so I suppose I'll have to wait and see what happens in heavy rain (god knows we've had enough of that lately!)
Is there a drain on the passenger side? I too have about an inch of water in the wheel well in heavy rain, but the carpet gets damp in the left corner of the boot just under the rear seat too... Frozen solid in the tyre well just now though...
If not drill an hole and stick a sealed grommit in & remove as required.
or buy a goldfish,cavefish, plastic ducks or similar
My p38 over the last year has suffered from water in the bootwell. I changed the boot seal but it still leaked. Had a good look today and discovered that the water was coming from the join of the sunroof rear drain pipes near the rear drivers side seatbelt mechanism. The two pipes had come apart. I took off the trim and jammed a piece of pipe from the end of the one tube into the other. The water was running down inside the trim and entering the boot well immediately behind the rear seat.

Hope this fixes it.

Hi Steve,

I now have the same problem of water in the wheel well. How did you find/identify the drainage pipes

Sorry Nick just seen this,
The pipes are behind the trim that hides the rear seat belts and the rear seat release button. They are a bit fiddly to get at-but one end of my pipe had come off. I'd take a photo-but my RR is in a garage having a mini restoration.

Well to be honest that’s a good thing :) the number of water leaks From sunroofs are truly staggering for the few times a year you can use them, I’m thankful I didn’t specify them on my Land Rover,

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