Is it quack ? I dunno much, but I do know that hydrogen is flamable. . and oxygen helps flame. Theres two hydrogen atoms in water/ 1 oxygen. And electrolysis can be used to seperate the hydrogen from the oxygen. . . The question is can you get enough charge from a car (running on fuel) to produce eloctrolysis ? - which would mean that basic water could supplement the combustible fluid. . .petrol or diesel. . .
Don't tell the fire brigade that, that's their raw material that they squirt at the flames, they might get scared and start using something else (like petrol!)

Water is the product left after the reaction has taken place, so you have to put more energy into splitting them up than you will get back from the reaction. It's like putting smoke and ash on your fire and expecting it to give out heat, and blow logs up yer chimney!
Usin water has nowt t do with the burnin of its component parts, Its t do with the fillin of the pots !
burra cant be arsed t research it, so all i know is it dose work an it reduces the amout o fuel yer use !
y'ano, i think the theory is about the hydrogen exploding and burning the fuel more completely coz there's some suspicion that not all the diesel burns in the pot, so it is supposed to distribute the explosion more uniformly....

or summat like that :D
yer could be rite oddy !
burra wer under the impression it wer more t do wi the temperature thingy

yer know cowld air = better charge !???
I don't think you need to read me well to understand,

but supplement does not mean to replace. I'm not sure about what is required of electrolysis, but we can produce electricity by varying forms using a car. Then, ,electricty is what is required to seperate hydrogen from oxygen atoms in water. At what scale of amps and voltage is req to produce electolysis. .i wouldn't have the faintest idea. I do know though, that with electricity and water you can make flames. Which may be part of the reason firefighters don't use water on electrical fires. . .they use foam. The other reason being water as conducter / spreading hazard of electrocution with water. . .

I'm skeptical that an engine could generate the electricity to produce the hydrogen to power the car. This would be impossible. OTOH, you could probably produce some hydgrogen, using the heat and elec of a car, ,which could 'potentially' be used in the fuel mix.

wow, ,but this guy makes some with a Battery charger. .so who knows ? maybe a car can produce a little bit of hydrogen from water while its on the road ?

YouTube - Water can't burn, but hydrogen does!

Don't tell the fire brigade that, that's their raw material that they squirt at the flames, they might get scared and start using something else (like petrol!)

Water is the product left after the reaction has taken place, so you have to put more energy into splitting them up than you will get back from the reaction. It's like putting smoke and ash on your fire and expecting it to give out heat, and blow logs up yer chimney!
aye but yer gerrin two totally diffrunt things muddled up !

i cant be arsed t read all the fred but yes yer can mek hydrogen from watter n lectric and yer can also inject watter int yer enjin to mix wi yer fuel !
Which may be part of the reason firefighters don't use water on electrical fires. . .they use foam. The other reason being water as conducter / spreading hazard of electrocution with water. . .

I do hope they don't use foam (AFFF as it's properly titled, is still made up largely from water!) The only safe way to extinguish an electrical fire is with CO2, dry powder or Halon (which is now banned)...

Back to the subject, hydrogen fuel cells are the way to utilise hydrogen as a fuel. Should you want to store it, you'll have difficulty and to separate it from water takes a huge amount of power. Even if you could run a system to create hydrogen 'on demand', the weight of the tackle - not to mention the weight of your fuel (H2O) would probably negate the fuel you saved.
Also couple in - was it newton that worked it out? - You can't get owt for nowt, with energy, and because of mechanical and electrical losses in your production system, you'll probably end up using more fuel! Quite high substitution rates would be needed to offset the extra fuel usage...
saw this on MYTHBUSTERS didnt work
then they stuffed a tube from a Hydrogen cylinder into the carb damm near blew the car up !BIG LAUGHES ALL ROUND

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