Mark Piercy

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I ran into a complete twot on Saturday,had to go to the Post Office, while I was being served a "lady" stood right behind me,when I asked her to step back to maintain distancing, she huffed and puffed and said this is stupid and moved back,then she moved her mask from her double chin to over her mouth promptly told me anyway I've had my injection. You can guess my reply :mad: it went along the lines of her ability to spread and her selfish attitude :mad: the twots aren't all on line;)
I ran into a complete twot on Saturday,had to go to the Post Office, while I was being served a "lady" stood right behind me,when I asked her to step back to maintain distancing, she huffed and puffed and said this is stupid and moved back,then she moved her mask from her double chin to over her mouth promptly told me anyway I've had my injection. You can guess my reply :mad: it went along the lines of her ability to spread and her selfish attitude :mad: the twots aren't all on line;)

Lethal injection

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