NEVER fit a new seal without a new cylinder. If the seal is knackered the cylinder has had it's best days.
at least you have a new liner! twin pack don't ;)

Ah, that'd be it! Well spotted. Don't feel so bad now.

@Wammers: It all looked OK when I had it apart, to be honest. The seal was a little worn though and I'm going to do all the o-rings int he valve-block over Christmas so I though I might as well treat the compressor to some new o-rings too. That was I figured the whole lot would be done and dusted for a year or two.
NEVER fit a new seal without a new cylinder. If the seal is knackered the cylinder has had it's best days.

But you'd advise getting the kit with the cylinder and not the twin kit without, regardless?

I'd have thought the teflon would be way softer than the ally casing but happy to go with your advice?
My typing isn't much better than my mouse work. When I look back up the page I seem to have hot half the wrong letters and the spaces are like a game of pin the tail on the donkey!
But you'd advise getting the kit with the cylinder and not the twin kit without, regardless?

I'd have thought the teflon would be way softer than the ally casing but happy to go with your advice?

The alloy cylinder is anodised. The Teflon seal is running thousands of cycles across it every minute. Seeing as the hard anodising is maybe 3 to 5 thou thick it will eventually wear away and expose the softer alloy underneath. Up to you your money.
The alloy cylinder is anodised. The Teflon seal is running thousands of cycles across it every minute. Seeing as the hard anodising is maybe 3 to 5 thou thick it will eventually wear away and expose the softer alloy underneath. Up to you your money.

I agree entirely : let me give the short version. Reconditioned the pump/seal/orings a couple of moths ago.......didn't do the cylinder....seemed ok.
This week I fitted a new pump......'nuff said.

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